Judith De Bretagne Princess Of Brittany [14638]
- Born: 956, Bretagne, France
- Marriage: Richard II [14637] about 981 in Normandie, France
- Died: 1017 Jun 16, Normandie, France at age 61
Ancestral File Number: 9HML-RQ.
Judith married Richard II [14637] [MRIN: 6647], son of Duke Richard Of Normandy I [14549] and Gonnor De Crepon Duchess Of Normandy [14584], about 981 in Normandie, France. (Richard II [14637] was born about 963 in Normandie, France, died on 1026 Aug 28 in Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France and was buried in Fecamp, Seine-Inferieure, France.)