Angus McInnes [22359]
(Abt 1817-1888) |
Angus McInnes [22359] 1
• Immigration, Between 1838 and 1848. 2 • Other: Died, Goulburn Herald, 1888 Mar 8, Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales. 2 At his residence, Middle Arm, on Tuesday 6th March, Angus Mcinnes, ages seventy one years. RIP • Other: Death of an Old Colonialist - Goulburn Herald, 1888 Mar 8, Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales. 2 We regret to announce the demise of Mr Angus McInnes senior, ehich took place at his residence, Middle Arm, on Tuesday last at the age of 71., the cause of death being general decay. Mr McInnes was a native of Scotland, but had been in the district for clost on half a century, forty years of which time he lived at Middle Arm. He was highly respected in all parts of the district, and especially so in the neighbourhood where he so long resided. he leaves a widow and 15 children (nine sons and six daughters). Mr A A McInnes of the Hibernian Hotel, amd Mr P McInnes of the Bridge Hotel, are two of the sons. The family have the sympathy of the community at large in their bereavement. a solemn Requiem High Mass for the soul of Mr McInnes will be celebrated at Saint's Peter & Pauls Cathedral this morning at eigth o'clock and his remains will be interred at Middle Arm at three o'clock this afternoon. • Other: Obituary - Crookwell Gazette, 1888 Mar 9, Crookwell, King County, New South Wales. 2 It is with feelings of regret, in which those who are aquainted with the family must share, that we place on the record the death of Mr Angus McInnes senior, which took place at his residence, Middle Arm on Tuesday last. The deceased gentleman was seventy one years of age, and had resided in the district for about 40 years. He was respected by all who that the pleasure of his aquaintance. He leaves a widow and nine sons and six daughters. The family of the deceased have the true sympathies of the whole comminity. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon when a number of people attended to pay their last mark of respect to the deceased gentleman. ![]() Angus married Arabella Catherine Nicholson [22360] [MRIN: 9149] in 1844 in Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales. (Arabella Catherine Nicholson [22360] was born est 1795-1829 and died est 1855-1940.)
• Registration: Marriage, 1844, Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales. 3 LO |
1 Crookwell and District Historical Society, Obituaries, Deaths, Inquests Pre 1901 Crookwell and District (ISBN 0-9587114-3-7), Page 218 - Goulburn Herald, Wed 7.10.1896.
2 Crookwell and District Historical Society, Obituaries, Deaths, Inquests Pre 1901 Crookwell and District (ISBN 0-9587114-3-7), 215.
NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (, Marriage V18442157 93/1844. V18442157 93/1844
There are other people in this site, for various reasons, some not related at all. Some are married into my family, some I once thought were related and, turns out, they are not. On the Aborigines: Unfortunately, I can only place global statements not he web pages. The aborigines I am aware of are in the Blackman Line and are from the children of James Blackman and Elizabeth Harley. Home | Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List This Web Site was Created 2016 Feb 11 with Legacy 8.0 from Millennia
Brian Yap