Walter Selbey McDonald [35493]
• Registration: Birth, 1885, Crookwell District, New South Wales. 1 13524/1885 • Registration: Death, 1909, Crookwell District, New South Wales, Australia. 2 1243/1909 • Newspaper: Probate Notice, 1925 Jan 23, Sydney District, New South Wales, Australia. 3 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES -Probate Jurisdiction -In the Will oF JOHN ROBERT McDONALD late of The Diamond near Crookwell In the State of New South Wales, Grazier deceased.-Application will be made after fourteen from publication hereof that Probate of the Will of the above named deceased may be granted to WALTER SIDNEY McDONALD and EIJWARD STAN- LEY McDONALD the Executors named therein and all persons hiving any claim against the Est-ite of the did deceased ore required to forward particulars there- of to the undersigned within the said period and all notices may be served at the undermentioned ad- dress. C. T. CLIFTON. Proctor, Crookwell. By his Agents, ARTHUR J. McDONALD and CO., Solicitors, A.M.P.-chambers, 80 Pitt-street. Sydney. |
1 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (, 13524/1885 MCDONALD, WALTER S JOHN R ANNIE L CROOKWELL.
2 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (, 1243/1909.
3 (, Advertising. (1925, January 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from
There are other people in this site, for various reasons, some not related at all. Some are married into my family, some I once thought were related and, turns out, they are not. On the Aborigines: Unfortunately, I can only place global statements not he web pages. The aborigines I am aware of are in the Blackman Line and are from the children of James Blackman and Elizabeth Harley. Home | Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List This Web Site was Created 2016 Feb 11 with Legacy 8.0 from Millennia
Brian Yap