Alfred James Marks [602] 2
- Born: 1849 Apr 13, Bigga, Georgiana County, New South Wales 2
- Christened: 1849, New South Wales 3
- Marriage: Bridget Mary Deehan [272] [LJ6X-WM4] in 1879 in Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales, Australia 1
- Died: 1896 Jul 7, Abercrombie River, Georgiana County, New South Wales, Australia at age 47 4
- Buried: Mount McDonald, Bathurst County, New South Wales, Australia 2
Cause of his death was Cancer.5
Another name for Alfred was Albert.
FamilySearch ID: LDMV-PQ9.
Birth Notes:
At "Markdale".
Noted events in his life were:
• Newspaper: ASSAULTING CONSTABLES AND LARGENCY AT GOULBURN, 1875 Jan 9, Goulburn District, New South Wales. 6 ASSAULTING CONSTABLES AND LARGENCY AT GOULBURN. (1875, January 9). The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881), p. 3. Retrieved April 17, 2013, from <> HORSE STEALING AT BINDA. Rowland Read was charged with having, at Mark- dale, on the 1st day of August, 1874, feloniously stolen a horse the property of Alfred Marks. Prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Gannon. The Crown-Prosecutor having stated the case, called Robert Kennedy, senior-constable of police sta- tioned at Binds, who deposed : I arrested prisoner on the 20th of December; he said he never had any horse, and that the witness Read did not know the horse that Marks had lost, and that it was one of Guiott's horses that he was riding. To Mr. Gannon: I have known prisoner for some years; he was once summoned here for illegally rid- ing a horse, and the case was dismissed; Marks lives about twelve miles from Binda, but he has no fixed place of residence; I don't think I had seen Marks for four months before he laid the information ; wit- ness Read lives about twelve miles from the nearest ; magistrate. Alfred Marks deposed: I am a labourer living in Binda; I own a dark-bay entire horse; I have had him about twelve months; Joseph Read and his son know this horse; I had ridden it as a yearling; I then lent him to a lad; I offered prisoner the loan of the horse about four months before August, but I did not lend it him in August last; the horse used to run close to the witness Joseph Read's. To Mr. Gannon : Joseph read told me some time in August that prisoner was riding my horse; I got the warrant in December; in the mean time I heard that prisoner and Joseph Read had had some quarrel with the prisoner's brother-in-law; this was some few days before I took out the warrant; Joseph Read was at Court at Binda when I got the warrant, about some case with Guiott, prisoner's father-in-law; pri- soner lives four or five miles from me, and eight from Binda; I saw prisoner about a fortnight or three weeks before I got the warrant; I did not see priso- nor at my brother's place at a cricket-match since August; I was not there myself; I offered him the loan of the horse while he was sawing, if he could get it; I have not looked for this horse particularly; I was away from Binda from August till about a fortnight before I took out the warrant; I went to BiigS, about twenty-four miles away. Joseph Read deposed: I hare known prisoner for about two years ; I saw prisoner in the beginning of August riding Marks' horse across the bush, near Markdale; I was speaking to him; I have no doubt it was Mark's horse. To Mr. Gannon: I am a farmer; Marks is my brother-in-law; the horse was not in my charge; he was running close to my place; I did not know if he had permission to ride the horse; I did not tell Marks about prisoner riding the horse till some time last month; I did not tell him in August; I can't tell if it was three months ago; it is not three months ago; I told him at my own place; I can't say how long it was before Christmas: I had some words with prisoner; it was a good bit before Christ- mast it was before my brother-in-law got the warrant; I saw Marks at my place after I had the row with prisoner; it was after prisoner and I had the words that I told Marks about the prisoner riding the horse; I had no row with prisoner's father-in-law; I took out a summons against him; I did not induce Marks to go to Kennedy; the horse is unbranded; Marks never told me he had lent the horse to prisoner. At this stage of the proceedings his Honor directed the acquittal of the prisoner, and he was discharged. This concluded the business of the court.
Alfred married Bridget Mary Deehan [272] [LJ6X-WM4] [MRIN: 163], daughter of John Deehan [369] [LJ6F-W63] and Mary Phelan [370] [LJ6N-QWW], in 1879 in Goulburn, Argyle County, New South Wales, Australia.7 (Bridget Mary Deehan [272] [LJ6X-WM4] was born on 1860 Sep 29 in King's County, Ireland, died on 1935 Jun 13 in Cowra, Bathurst County, New South Wales, Australia and was buried in Cowra, Bathurst County, New South Wales, Australia.)