Sarah Jane Lewis [7381]
(1879-1959) |
Sarah Jane Lewis [7381] 2
![]() Sarah married William George Cramp [7379] [KN3C-S13] [MRIN: 5298], son of Thomas George Cramp [500] [KD9W-4ZD] and Sarah Lefley [492] [LC89-HYD], on 1909 Oct 8 in Maclean, Clarence County, New South Wales, Australia.1 (William George Cramp [7379] [KN3C-S13] was born on 1847 May 31 in Strand, London, Middlesex, England and died on 1912 Jul 7 in Maclean, Clarence County, New South Wales, Australia 5.) ![]() Sarah next had a relationship with James [37882] [MRIN: 9426]. (James [37882] was born before 1888.) |
1 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 11590/1909.
Marion B Harper (CD Rom Created in April 2002
Other Researchers, Brian Neilson. http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:2588360. .... NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 10666/1879. 10666/1879
4 Other Researchers, Winkley. http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:2219679.
5 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 11171/1912.
There are other people in this site, for various reasons, some not related at all. Some are married into my family, some I once thought were related and, turns out, they are not. On the Aborigines: Unfortunately, I can only place global statements not he web pages. The aborigines I am aware of are in the Blackman Line and are from the children of James Blackman and Elizabeth Harley. Home | Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List This Web Site was Created 2016 Feb 11 with Legacy 8.0 from Millennia
Brian Yap