The players can approach and land at any of the Blip Mooring
Posts at any time they wish. The Blip Mooring Posts are like private car parks. They have
a charge of 5 GP per day. When they pull up, a man will step out and tie them on and
explain the costs. |
Inside the main gate is an area 200 feet in diameter. Three
other paths lead off. To the left is a locked and guarded door. Occasionally a noble and
his entourage will go through this gate. Straight ahead is an open door. Through this goes
most of the traffic. To the right is a locked and guarded, door. Occasionally a group of
guarded slaves will go through this gate. |
In the city the players can get anything non-magical openly
at one of the hundreds of stores which make up the nobles level city. Any character can
set up a stall of any type they like. There are empty stalls they can use. The price of
every thing on the Nobles' level is twice that of the listed price. |
If they do not have a pass they will all have to buy a
noble's pass at 40 GP each. |