My third Great Grandfather, James Blackman is selling more land in Richmond. I do not know where this was. But it is a different size to the previous block offered for sale. I do not know if it is the same parcel of land.
The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser
Saturday 28 June 1817
Page 2 of 4TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, part of a valuable Farm at Richmond, comprising sixty acres, 25 of which are clear, and known to rank with the most productive in that fertile district, being the property of James Blackman. In addition to its great fertility it possesses the advantage of an excellent re-course to pure water, is situate immediately conti-guous to the Township of Richmond, and has a carriage road connected with it. If required ; the above will be sold in two allotments, each of which will possess equal advantages, which may be relied on as conquer-able. For particulars application to the proprietor, James Blackman senior, on the premises.