Some of these pages contain information about deceased individuals of Aboriginal decent.
James Christie Esq. [5184]
Margaret Dunbar Bailey [5185]
(Abt 1800-1881)
Thomas Brown [212]
Sarah Turk [251]
James Christie Esq. [5205]
Harriet Brown [23523]
Ada Lillian Christie [1663]


Family Links

David George Bunker [1670] [LCXX-26F]

Ada Lillian Christie [1663]

  • Born: 1874, Yass, King County, New South Wales
  • Marriage: David George Bunker [1670] [LCXX-26F] in 1896 in Crookwell, King County, New South Wales
  • Died: 1933 Dec 27, Crookwell, King County, New South Wales, Australia at age 59 1
  • Buried: Crookwell Cemetery, Georgiana County, New South Wales 1

bullet   FamilySearch ID: KG9P-254.


bullet  Noted events in her life were:

• Registration: Birth, 1874, Yass District, New South Wales. 2 21819/1874

• Registration: Death, 1934, Crookwell District, New South Wales, Australia. 3 4889/1934

• Probate: Granted, 1934 Feb 23, New South Wales, Australia. 4 Item number or control symbol:Series 4-194334
Title:Ada Lilian Bunker - Date of Death 27/12/1933, Granted On 23/02/1934


Ada married David George Bunker [1670] [LCXX-26F] [MRIN: 418], son of Ephraim Bunker [5862] [LNBH-CDD] and Mary Ann Betts [5863] [KLFF-7FM], in 1896 in Crookwell, King County, New South Wales. (David George Bunker [1670] [LCXX-26F] was born in 1869 in Berrima, Camden County, New South Wales, died on 1926 Mar 20 in Crookwell, King County, New South Wales, Australia 1 and was buried in Crookwell Cemetery, Georgiana County, New South Wales, Australia 1.)

bullet  Noted events in their marriage were:

• Registration: Marriage, 1896, Crookwell District, New South Wales. 5 3031/1896

• Newspaper: CROOKWELL, 1896 Apr 11, Goulburn District, New South Wales. 6 CROOKWELL. (1896, April 11). Goulburn Evening Penny Post(NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 5. Retrieved August 16, 2014, from <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article98565126>

A VERY pretty wedding took place in the Primitive
Methodist Church, Crookwell, on Thursday morn-
ing, the contracting parties being Miss Ada Lilian
Christie, daughter of the late Mr. James Christie,
of Willow Dale, Wheeo, and Mr. David George
Bunker, of Taralga, late of Crookwell. The Rev.
F. J. Morris officiated. The bride looked charm-
ing in a dress of cream-coloured French sergertte,
with lace and ribbons to match, and the customary
wreath and veil. The bridesmaids were Miss
Minnie Christie (sister of the bride) and Miss
Emma Bunker (sister of the bridegroom). Mr. F.
Beard acted as best man, and the bride was given
away by her brother-in-law, Mr. R. T. Sheriff. A
good company of friends was present to witness the
event. At the conclusion of the ceremony the
bridal party drove to the residence of the bride's
mother at Brooklands, where a sumptuous repast
was in readiness. After ample justice had been
done to the good things provided the Rev. F. J.
Morris, on behalf of the Primitive Sunday-school
teachers and officers, presented the newly-married
couple with a very nice China tea set, and in doing
so spoke of the esteem in which both were held by
their fellow teachers, and wished them both every
happiness in the new sphere of life upon which
they were entering. The bridegroom suitably
responded, and other congratulatory speeches were
made. Shortly after the happy couple left for their
home at Taralga. In addition to the tea set other
valuable presents were received.-6th April.



1 Crookwell & District Historical Society, Crookwell & District Historical Society Cemetery Transcriptions (ISBN 0 646 14659 9
Transcribed and Collated by Julienne Belford and assisted by Stuart Anderson.
Printed 31 May 1993
Printed by Goulburn Printing Services Goulburn 2580.), 6.

2 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 21819/1874.

3 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 4889/1934.

4 NSW State Government Records. Surety:2

5 NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (http://www.bdm.nsw.gov.au/), 3031/1896.

6 (http://www.nla.gov.au/ms/findaids/), CROOKWELL. (1896, April 11). Goulburn Evening Penny Post(NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 5. Retrieved August 16, 2014, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article98565126.

Brian Yap (葉文意)

There are other people in this site, for various reasons, some not related at all. Some are married into my family, some I once thought were related and, turns out, they are not.

On the Aborigines: Unfortunately, I can only place global statements not he web pages. The aborigines I am aware of are in the Blackman Line and are from the children of James Blackman and Elizabeth Harley.

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