Some of these pages contain information about deceased individuals of Aboriginal decent.
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Richard Marks [391]
Lydia Cramp [401]
William Christie [18]
Janet Balgowan [8]
Arthur Ambrose Marks [464]
Louisa Christie [535]
Allen Roy Marks [654]


Family Links

1. Patricia Whitely [22744]

2. Molly [37241]

Allen Roy Marks [654] 1

  • Born: 1927 Jun 30, New South Wales, Australia 2
  • Marriage (1): Patricia Whitely [22744] after 1945 in <Australia>
  • Marriage (2): Molly [37241]
  • Died: 2014 Mar 19 at age 86 2
  • Buried: Inverell, Gough County, New South Wales, Australia 2

bullet   FamilySearch ID: L657-HT6.


Allen married Patricia Whitely [22744] [MRIN: 8274] after 1945 in <Australia>.


Allen next married Molly [37241] [MRIN: 14240].



1 Sylia Marks. Surety:1 .... jan balgowan, balgowan family file. .... Other Researchers, Lee Ann.

2 Other Researchers, Obituary supplied by Syliva Yap.

3 Sylia Marks. .... jan balgowan, balgowan family file. .... Other Researchers, Lee Ann.

Brian Yap (葉文意)

There are other people in this site, for various reasons, some not related at all. Some are married into my family, some I once thought were related and, turns out, they are not.

On the Aborigines: Unfortunately, I can only place global statements not he web pages. The aborigines I am aware of are in the Blackman Line and are from the children of James Blackman and Elizabeth Harley.

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