The Sydney Morning Herald, Page 14, 17 Mar 1909
-Probate Jurisdiction-In the Will of RICHARD MARKS late of Crookwell In the State of New South Wales Grazier, deceased -NOTICE is hereby given that the Executors Accounts in the above Estate have this day been filed in my office Queen’s-square King street Sydney, and all persons having any claims on this said Estate, or being otherwise interested therein, are hereby required to come in before me at my said office, on or before the 19th day of April next, at 11:30 o’clock in the forenoon, and inspect the same and if they shall think fit object thereto, otherwise if the said accounts be not objected to they will be examined by me and passed according, to law. Dated this 9th day of March A.D. 1909. R C MONDAY Acting Registrar. C. T. CLIFTON, Proctor Crookwell. By his Agent, A J McDONALD 66 Castlereagh-street Sydney.
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