Videos for this week 2010-07-09
Econopocalypse: the Marxist animated whiteboard explanation Very impressive little description of our current crisis’s cause. BarclaysCycle | June 29, 2010[…]
Read moreThis is my old site that I resurrected.
Econopocalypse: the Marxist animated whiteboard explanation Very impressive little description of our current crisis’s cause. BarclaysCycle | June 29, 2010[…]
Read moreis quite unimpressed that the cold he thought he was over has returned # @n my TPG internet connection is[…]
Read moreWell Keith Luu is going to Beijing (lucky sod) so he held a dinner at Bloodwood in Newtown. I walked[…]
Read moreWell, I popped up not once, but twice on this web page. See if you can see me the second[…]
Read moreThe Australian Conservation Foundation’s Sustainable Cities Index for 2010 was released. Here is a list of the cities I have[…]
Read moreI noticed anew place a few weeks back, Marrickville Thai and Seafood on Marrickville road nearer Victoria Road. but today[…]
Read morePeople come along and favourite my photos. I think this is cool. This is a little one off look at[…]
Read more@n a failing business model: # @n a little more on FB: # @n why high temp superconductors[…]
Read moreWell after last year, when I did some cooking, this year I was just a Judge. I think there were[…]
Read moreWell I wandered into town. I found a good Japanese place called goshu ramen tei at 5 York Street, up[…]
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