gluing captions to cats
Originally uploaded by sillykitty. this is just such an accurate description of what tags are about.
Read moreThis is my old site that I resurrected.
Originally uploaded by sillykitty. this is just such an accurate description of what tags are about.
Read moreWell we have not done any caching like this, but he has the same GPS as I do. maybe we[…]
Read moreFor ages now, most probably since I went to Mongolia, I have been thinking that about the last thing a[…]
Read more…姚居士于四十岁时,于寺院随人跑香学习打坐。后又从佛学名宿罗时宪老师及叶文意老师学习静坐之法。每天均依时习定。打坐三个多月左右,已常于坐中见释迦佛,阿弥陀佛,弥勒佛及观世音菩萨。后于五十四岁时受菩萨戒开始持长素。… (When Yao scholar to 40 years old, runs the fragrant study to the temple along with the person to[…]
Read moreIt is like traveling back in time into the 1970’s. People here still think that this constitutes Chinese food. The[…]
Read moreIt is between Leichhardt and Hunter’s Hill (looking at the map). People in Sydney have strange things to say about[…]
Read moreWell we headed off to Royal National Park and did a few caches. This time we did some walking (yay!).[…]
Read moreWell there are two ways of converting the yewenyi back into Chinese, and this is the other one. It seems[…]
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