- For some strange reson my workplace was keeping an office refurbishment secret in australia when they weren't keeping it secret in hk. #
- @asphotos @merejames bring back flying boats! :-p #
- delay is 1:28 #
- backlight on the computer turned off. managed to shut it down properly. rebooted. it's working again. #scared #
- Star Shelters – Ruark Lewis – SNO http://t.co/K7BMr5uZ via @AddToAny #
- Stupid gits who seem to have failed to realized that the opposite of safe is dangerous. #
- #snapper #
- #doodle #
- delay = 1:50 #
- Apparently there are idiots who believe that if you like the velvet underground you must like that. #wonerwhatthatis #unbelievable #
- Switching the unit into summer configuration mode. #
- Apparently there are people who are having problems with the simple fact that Dulwitch Hill abbreviates to DH. #stupidfilters #
- #grandimaginings #
- #beyondtheken #
- Delay: 1:45 #
- Is having a bad traffic day. #
- Overtaken by a suit on a folding bike with a briefcase. #
- Passed by a Mercedes with a sticker announcing that they are from redfern. #
- Dragon Wall http://t.co/uHy7Rhs4 #
- @stilgherrian yep, also paper tape rolls… #
- International Talk Like a Pirate Day and Armed Forces Day in Chile on the same day… #
- 55 oz 11 dwt of Gold. http://t.co/X3Hc3Tv1 via @AddToAny #
- An unseemly fight #
- Ipoh: tho origin of white coffee. #
- People going to pubs and clubs, eating cheap food, subsidized by the gambling and drug habits of others. #
- #bonza #
- Was offered a swig of beer from a bottle while riding to work. Declined the gracious offer. #drinkingandriding #
- Cave at borenore http://t.co/4ZGJfTxQ #
- Medical journal condemns prolonged refugee detention http://t.co/QFyiTr5W via @ConversationEDU #
- A problem with the tyre http://t.co/aUhawlYt #
- Pirate Party takes seats in Berlin Parliament http://t.co/hbk7GRFh via @youtube #
- Delay: 0:46 #
- at SNO looking at sydney through the bars. http://t.co/rwNixXbS #
- #toomuchhate #
- Remembers as a teenager a 1 present, $5 limit for gifts. What is the limit now given inflation? #
- Out out damn spot! #
- Taiwan set to allow first direct undersea cable to China http://t.co/rgzhJnlI #
- Delay: 0:41 #
- 卸 #
- What drives Guardianistas so crazy about matters Assange? – http://t.co/1UNC4QHe #
- Delay: 0:31 #
- Luckily the lights changed and I avoided being swept and sucked into the bowls of the footpath-sweeper. #
- Butterworth to Kota Bharu http://t.co/yqbslNg7 #
- Worst conditions for riding I have ever encountered in Sydney! #yuck #
- @asphotos me too. You going anywhere? #
- Delay: 0:31 #
- A sydney man tells me that his grandmother hated Melbournians as they were the evil causers of the 1890's depression. #
- #lamingtons #
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