- #coverStories #
- #leavingTheWindowOpen #
- #collectingStrays #
- As the XPT noisily zooms into the suburbs of Sydney, I sit here eating my breakfast. #
- As the XPT noisily zooms through the suburbs, I wait here for it at central. http://t.co/5Mg6W7kr #
- @harrip01 can you claim for an emergency purchase of a pair on your travel insurance? in reply to harrip01 #
- @Mimfilip Thanks. in reply to Mimfilip #
- @richardthewatts or they could pay the amount to the employees, about $137 per employee. in reply to richardthewatts #
- Sun piping up through the trees, shining in my eyes. #
- Australia, girth by moat. http://t.co/z7NWSVTh #
- Narooma Sunset http://t.co/DzvUCVFZ #
- Looked at the phone, though really, lunch time already? at the shop, only a little after 11:AM, turns our my phone at work is an hour fast. #
- #wakeUpCalls #
- @TroveAustralia: Nice Find! RT @InsideHistory: Time for a tea break. Where damper was invented? :: http://t.co/jR1m0msP @TroveAustralia #
- #dogshogoth #
- @keandrews but why is he taking a photo of an empty table? in reply to keandrews #
- #fairweatherparenting #
- A hundred years ago they were terrified of the Russian fleet attacking. Today they are terrified of Russian Internet attacks. #tsar #maffia #
- Jack-’o-Lantern http://t.co/65MxK9T8 via @AddToAny #
- Violins cry and whipper wills sing… #
- statues by the road side http://t.co/8my6j7r8 #
- #deadringer #
- @mpesce Why, don't you gey half a day off just to watch one race for a few minutes? in reply to mpesce #
- #windowdressing #
- #sides #
- Telstra expands in India with new telecoms licences http://t.co/T2nV2ikM #
- The streets of Kalgourlie-Boulder http://t.co/e6MTa7YY #
- Will the sky fall if you don't deploy IPv6?
http://t.co/PQgQKdNQ # - Car drivers sit in a recumbent position. Sports car drivers more so. #
- Walking down the platform. The Melbourne XPT is leaving. It got to the end of the platform and is stuck there with a broken radio. #
- E-Boats and architects. #
- #lookingInCarBoots #
- @ozdj And car drivers who think that bus lanes are also include their cars. in reply to ozdj #
- @enmore park: kirsten > krysta + Brian #theSeeSawNeverLies #
- Wicks Park http://t.co/G8pWe9o0 #
- @ozdj I'd have to see the stats, having nearly been run over several times. These drivers can be quite arrogant. in reply to ozdj #
- @citrusandcandy the bridge web cam: http://t.co/nvlnw4ER in reply to citrusandcandy #
- Southbound cars on south dowling, turning right to Cleveland, engaging in a mass tooting event. #MTE #
- Was lucky to have passed the really dangerous bit just before being passed by the dangerous 308. #
- One of Sydney's more polite cab drivers tries to cut me off and shouts, don't fucking stop you stupid shit head. #SydneyCabs #
- @ozdj Well, I'd disagree. In some streets it is endic. in reply to ozdj #
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