- I guess some people must never learned to read or write so well and hence have trouble with communicating with written media like email. #
- @stilgherrian What sort is your old one? I might buy the key board. My keyboard has a few non-woking keys after the kids spilled milk on it. in reply to stilgherrian #
- Walmart Acquires Australian Tech Start-up Grabble: Success Stories http://t.co/HgeytL2J via @1 #
- Wood Deck iPhone4 Case: http://t.co/NkLE2CfU #
- #extended #
- #privacy #
- #theEuropeans #
- #can #039;tBelieve #
- A Bridge Cricket Mug for Sale: http://t.co/2v1O6HGR? #
- Stupid windows firewall preventing windows from running windows update. 🙁 #
- #socialized #
- Bridge over the River Yarra http://t.co/8YcGK4rl #
- #dedupe – my new word for today #
- @mpesce That is so much better… in reply to mpesce #
- Refugee trauma worse than war trauma | Victoria University | Melbourne Australia: http://t.co/FQasdOKb via @AddThis #
- Free-Floating Planets May Be More Common Than Stars http://t.co/lHaF5nIY via @NASA #
- Shape-shifting material reacts to radiation › News in Science (ABC Science) http://t.co/n2GrP8V7 via @abcscience #
- @redneckninja I've driven it a few times in the last 6 months. Do they have a reason for leaving it so long? in reply to redneckninja #
- Where is a font that looks like a thumbnail dipped in tar when you need one? #
- Moved locker rooms, now I am not the only one. #
- The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video http://t.co/1iSexMTy via @youtube #
- #dasServerGerbils #
- drove the holden to the goulburn but the goulburn was dry… #
- @stilgherrian hating the Internet is like hating the roads because they are used by drug runners, kidnappers and thieves to move their stuff in reply to stilgherrian #
- Out on the traps and boards, learned the spell, changed to en_us, made an event and, lo and behold, it was fixed! #
- Sticky rice and chendol stand. http://t.co/0GoRqHda #
- @misswired Do you know any more of the words? http://t.co/PiXOYyn2 in reply to misswired #
- 'The worst fire season ever' … until next year http://t.co/XHanSahm via @ConversationEDU #
- Insiders reveal backstory of computing's 40-year history http://t.co/T4hj1tUW via @regvulture #
- Mr taxi t-1880 driving like a reckless maniac. #
- A police van turn on its siren with intent to frighten. #
- Australia: IAG welcomes improved access to flood risk data – used one of my images http://t.co/bcHKU4L6 #
- #spongeBobSquarePants #
- Putting the ashes in a dirty road side toilet. #
- In the air, a hint of smoke. #
- Outside, cool air with a slight whiff of smoke. #
- A driver calls out thank you as she drives past. #
- the chase http://t.co/jTm2KxZA #
- @Sikamikanico did they not have any or did they forget? in reply to Sikamikanico #
- is quite enjoying that fact that the TV over there is blabbering away in Chinese. At first I was wondering where it was comming from… #
- @DaveBarx James' photo should sell for more: http://t.co/IfKZgBD8 in reply to DaveBarx #
- someone should write a tea cup, tell-your-future app: it could say a rain coat will be very useful this afternoon: http://t.co/VcOR0IJK #
- #pickupLines #
- Bought and Sold, for English Gold. #
- @wikileaks bought and sold for American gold. in reply to wikileaks #
- User of the day: v6fKkCfIdihgopotwQphIu3tPoNW49i9huuqmPVvqlM. #
- The secretive 352 had the decency to reopen the doors, which is good for a bus that only runs every 30 min. #
- warning- causeways use extreme care http://t.co/jJm4ALJR #
- @monkeypushtree handles… in reply to monkeypushtree #
- USA decided that India is no longer an enemy. Wonders what changed. Expects more like the uranium announcement, now that we are allowed to. #
- #arrogance #
- Southern Cross Station http://t.co/CjGGPtjw #
- @dr_krystal Need to control the variables Put the cow in a large magnet with grass and video walls. Vary the field and record the results. in reply to dr_krystal #
- App Boosts the Sounds You Have Trouble Hearing http://t.co/EDQsQYdn (via @TechReview) #
- #greenSnakes #
- Facbook wants me to upgrade to firefox 8. So I guess the browser that was hacked was firefox. #
- #peterPan #
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