It is the final day of the time off to move house. The drama of the air con is resolved. Though at the moment, leaving the doors open seems a better option. The alarm system is installed and working. The adsl modem showed up,t but the adsl is not connected at the exchange. I am stuck using the internet on the mobile. The sleepy locksmith came twice. Once to install a dead lock and once to make keys to the storeroom and laundry locks. It turns out that the storeroom is full of painters equipment. Morgan came around and helped lift the tv and put up the corner shelves.the book shelf in the lounge is three cm too far to the left. A bit late to fix that now. None of my old light bulbs fitted the new lights so i had to buy some more.
This is great, Brian. Really. I’m making a list of the pitfalls to try and avoid when we move in 4 weeks’ time!
We’re blogging ours too –