- #Mosquitos #
- An Electric bicycle/Motorbike 7KW motor http://t.co/Ux148Xig #
- A man stands beside me, looks in the window of the Chinese medicine shop, then walks off. #
- Lunch in Cabramatta http://t.co/zYwqnxXC #
- Abercrombie Caves and home http://t.co/dYyC12KW #
- Pejar Dam http://t.co/ed0W1HE4 #
- Abercrombie River http://t.co/bngaetPb #
- Bike ride turramurra to macquarie university http://t.co/1oGTr5sp #
- Pejar Dam *gritting my teeth, it is after all a water supply dam"… http://t.co/uRtcR4WN #
- Cells choose their own destiny (Science Alert): http://t.co/MyWYA2Tq via @AddThis #
- Das bei gaulen. #
- @firstdogonmoon hate and loathing are emotions that come disturbingly easily to some. The ibis elegantly fly past my place twice a day. in reply to firstdogonmoon #
- Todays new word: #freetards #
- A suicidal bug flew directly into my right eye. Luckily I wear glasses. It bounced off, recovered and flew around me. #
- Aussie Brains Move Chip Design to Quantum Realm | Wired Enterprise | http://t.co/arfdhjDZ http://t.co/jqLFhIAl #
- @monkeypushtree @merejames In the ACT they have a much more sensible law that says you should ride on the road, unless it is unsafe. in reply to monkeypushtree #
- Jeremey and Elisse amongst the bollards http://t.co/SkHlaiSS #
- Electronics Makers Have Worst Labor Practices of Any Industry, Says Report http://t.co/6yCcxlwr (via @TechReview) #
- @keandrews is it a little one or a big one you can stand up in? in reply to keandrews #
- @stilgherrian so who gets to name it? in reply to stilgherrian #
- the power restoration that was moments ago 20:00 is now 23:30 #kalorama #powerlinedown #
- #tattooedLegs but which tattoos? #
- An extended pause. Perhaps the tape is stretching. #
- @yewenyi restoration time extended from 23:30, now past, to unknown #Kalorama #powerlinedown in reply to yewenyi #
- Two bits of the universe that should never have touched pressed up hard against each other. #
- @yewenyi Well they say the power is back. #kalorama #powerlinedown http://t.co/3vDLafjH in reply to yewenyi #
- Various Japanese have said: nihon go choto! Some even say: choto choto. #
- @yewenyi the power is off again, unknown restoration time #kalorama #severeweather in reply to yewenyi #
- A Temple In Cabramatta http://t.co/qQiRK45Q #
- learns what ref="no follow" means and thinks that flickr is evil to add it to my links. #
- Rare Legal Fight Takes On Credit Card Company Security Standards and Fines | Threat Level | http://t.co/arfdhjDZ http://t.co/batjRA4m #
- #sideEffects #
- The mighty 3112 Stopped at MD. 229 http://t.co/gFsWqGcs #
- @stilgherrian The oldest person I am connected to turned 179 last December. I wonder what he gets. Probably adds for snake oils and saddles. in reply to stilgherrian #
- Mongolia, Outer Mongolia – special horde training http://t.co/FLgUVvS9 #
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