- Regressing from -4 to -5. #comprehension #
- @jimagery a Cuban pulling pork? I'm confused. in reply to jimagery #
- #pornoMaster #
- #justInCase #
- I need a clone so that it can get up and go to work this saving me the effort. #
- Broken Myki #688 #
- The flash from behind wasn't a speed camera. It was the three year old taking photos of blankie. http://t.co/qzdvIqBH #
- Doongalla Homstead http://t.co/PtRYHI4A #
- @NetBank @lint2015 I logged in successfully this morning. in reply to NetBank #
- @mpesce or distracted. in reply to mpesce #
- The #VVV #
- Angry people who loose all sense of proportion and judgement becoming justified by their anger. #
- @Steve_Hayes it says – page not found. in reply to Steve_Hayes #
- @jimagery to which side? in reply to jimagery #
- children who cannot draw rabbits. #
- Oracle v. Google trial gets messier as damages phase looms http://t.co/Q9AN3Rzg via @CNET #
- @atablefortwo Or 30 with a triple point score. in reply to atablefortwo #
- #chaosTheory #
- #badTaste #
- The bunny died. #
- Not used to these train doors that time out and then shut themselves. #
- #impostering #
- A teenager telling me that if you play acdc backwards you hear the devil speaking. Who puts this shit into their heads? #
- @jimagery we should build and sell a ready beer lens. in reply to jimagery #
- We need one of these for our back shed. http://t.co/0mNACCbR #
- statue shop http://t.co/mIWRl63v #
- #blake #039;s7 #
- @stilgherrian @mikko Clearly supply is too high. There is no money in selling my computer's soul. in reply to stilgherrian #
- @keandrews My father was a GP. They always do it. Their time is more precious than yours. I guess it maximizes profits. in reply to keandrews #
- @harrip01 hopefully they will not ask you to push. in reply to harrip01 #
- @maxphillips I'd be worried that it will be crushed. Starting at the top would be better. in reply to maxphillips #
- Greeks to go back to the polls – and back on the edge http://t.co/hk0PyFDj via @ConversationEDU #
- At croydon, resisting the temptation to get off the train. #
- #沒有形狀 #
- Looks like a train, turns out to be a bicycle. #nightDriving #
- @jimagery are they 727's a real blast from the past. in reply to jimagery #
- The best thing about these location services like google latitude and fine me is that it lets you find where you left the phone. #
- Smoke Over Road http://t.co/XwokBIGb #
- @ConversationEDU nothing! in reply to ConversationEDU #
- @maxphillips But not explosive. in reply to maxphillips #
- @DaveBarx did it go away? #Confused in reply to DaveBarx #
- The Benefits of Being Bilingual | Wired Science | http://t.co/arfdhjDZ http://t.co/dmgNjLS0 #
- Promiscuous butterflies speed up evolution › News in Science (ABC Science) http://t.co/myDd7KHt via @abcscience #
- Facebook spent $860 million, about $1 per active monthly user, to deliver its products last year. http://t.co/uFgKlTkj (via @TechReview) #
- An obese man taking up two train seats. #ptv #
- @stilgherrian @zdnetaustralia they should have used a SMS nearer by, maybe a French one? in reply to stilgherrian #
- @jimagery it looks like an architects model in reply to jimagery #
- #堂堂 #
- Train is unexpectedly chockers this morning. Maybe the one before was cancelled. #
- @yewenyi the reason why. http://t.co/YfyFresp in reply to yewenyi #
- @mpesce no news today? in reply to mpesce #
- #neoPomo #
- #entrapment #
- water wheel http://t.co/RYqo6jY8 #
- @FOTAAInc So much had been destroyed. So very much. in reply to FOTAAInc #
- @Fraser_inAu #ouchies in reply to Fraser_inAu #
- @asphotos I thought you were in Hobart. in reply to asphotos #
- should I worry if a small child is humming the theme for the empire in star wars? Maybe we should send her to courses on imperial domination #
- Triple whammy: ocean warming, La Niña, cyclone produced Queensland floods | UNSW Newsroom: http://t.co/sBMRMyvL #
- There hasn't been a better board since Jacky Howe retired! #
- #yay A bus with a heater that both works and is turned on. #688 #
- Read an article where an author with a lack of scope and scale likened killing millions with atomic bombs to the crime of trespass. #
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