Belgrave Lantern Festival

For some time I wanted to go to the Belgrave Lantern Festival. It did not exist when I had previously lived up in the Dandenongs. Now that I am living here again I got the opportunity to go. I had originally expected to just go as an onlooker. But one thing led to another. A birthday party led to a lantern workshop where a person met someone they had not seen in more than 5 years which led to more people wanting to go, which led to us taking the viking ship lantern as a float in the lantern parade iteslf. The kids for the most part carried the boat through the festival with a few adults helping. I only carried it back from the end of the festval back to the library.


  1. Fantastic! This was the first time I had ever been to the lantern parade, and the viking lantern was a real highlight!
    Would you mind if I repost the very top picture of the ship to my blog? I will link back to you, of course. None of the photos my friends and I took on the evening really worked out 🙁

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