A very short dream
A group of hobby farmers. There is an unspecified problem and they want one of the other farmers to install a second gate to their property. But they are a bit embarrassed to ask.
They do ask. The farmer thinks it is a bit odd. One of the askers asks, how often do you go through the gate. The asked farmer says, only on weekends with his 4WD with the wife and three kids.
They install the extra gate at the point on the road where the asked farmer is the only one beyond. The farmer gets the benefit of using the road as a long paddock.
At first the dream is in a forest and a windy mountain 4WD track for a road. But after the gate is installed, it is green grassy flat land. I can see the paddocks and the two gates. The fenced off section of road is less than 100 meters long. There is a scattering of yellow and white wild flowers.