- #grumpy #
- @ 克里木 you are the evil human! #
- A man standing on the edge of the road said, I could, but it would cost me $100. #
- Mirrors without smoke. #
- Yay! @塔里木 rolled over. #
- Installed mountain lion and it is the first decent os version from apple in ages. will see if it survives the first maintenance release. #
- Yesterday a hint of summer. Today a summers day. #
- @asphotos yep the air is cold. if it was summer it would be a howling hot wind, 40 deg and lots of fires.. in reply to asphotos #
- #dumbledoor #
- Chestnut Festival http://t.co/RnUDW8Jp #
- cut my finger on the desert. #
- #BungeeJumping #
- @mpesce when ones self esteem is based on others winning then their failure to do so results in a frustrating lack of self esteem. in reply to mpesce #
- Jump Street Photo http://t.co/JA3nCevt #
- ∴ KL ≭ umpa-lumpa #
- @CJBrogden Krysta spent ages making it using my iPhone. in reply to CJBrogden #
- @CJBrogden she thinks it is hysterically funny. That is 6 year old humour for you. in reply to CJBrogden #
- @克里木 says: I know god made the world but who is next, the king of the gourds? No (that’s not right) maybe be it is valdamort? #
- @Melissainau @fraser_inau we were never terrified. 😉 in reply to Melissainau #
- @克里木 on curiosity rover: I thought you were not allowed to go to mars, you are only allowed to go to the moon. #
- In a short while, the alarm will go off and some time after that I will have to get up. #
- The haemorrhaging caused by the lies. #
- Teresa making a break for freedom at the Chestnut Festival http://t.co/XigtJjqI #
- At the lying stage… I wonder what comes after that… #
- @asphotos it is excellent. Next time there will be a sponsors logo on the top. in reply to asphotos #
- Pay by bonk… I’m sure there are people roll around the floor laughing.., #
- #soundedLike #
- #theHive #
- Who did this? NASA’s own coverage on its YouTube channel received a robotic DMCA takedown notice (which was quickly rescinded) #Curiosity #
- The evil ones who blocked the NASA video of the curiosity rover. http://t.co/qPdfRd3Z #
- Kalorama, Where the Streets have no footpaths… http://t.co/dsPxAyZ1 #
- Cows have the sense to turn their backs to cold winds. At the lights today out of 30 people only two of us had our backs turned to the wind. #
- BBC News – Wikipedia goes down thanks to cut cables http://t.co/E1fwNTSV #
- BBC News – Sheep to warn of wolves via text message http://t.co/QtA2pVj9 #
- @塔里木 says: I have a cut on my neck where my dolphin bit me. But it was an accident and it said sorry. #
- Citadels in the Mud #
- @keandrews you would just need a big mirror. in reply to keandrews #
- #penguins #
- Black snake is out in the middle of the nullarbor which make communicating with him a tad difficult. #
- @kcarruthers that is because it is programmed by those who censor individual words. It would probably auto correct fucking to #*$&&@. in reply to kcarruthers #
- @克里木 is being very stressed about her operation today. #
- @merejames pack you warm weather clothes. Darwin lies right on the equator of hottest average temperatures. in reply to merejames #
- @塔里木 now thinks that any electronic music is from Rio and any jazz music is from Lorax. #
- Made possible by the use of a digital writing system. #
- Canning street – the bike super highway. #
- Melbourne – 1035 Kilometers… http://t.co/WeNebHga #
- Infant male circumcision: stop violating boys’ human rights http://t.co/DWcqPvaK via @conversationedu #
- Beware of this henious crime: …guilty to using language not in the dictionary, enriching the Treasury by 20/- http://t.co/eXQ6VA5z #
- @Fraser_inAu Unfortunately, probably not… in reply to Fraser_inAu #
- @harrip01 but will you glow green afterwards? in reply to harrip01 #
- @keandrews the new fruit category of the Olympics, the fruitylics. in reply to keandrews #
- NASA – Curiosity’s New Home http://t.co/WBiqyXvc via @NASA #
- Chasing a herring red. #
- #сердитьсяPусские #
- @merejames visit the night markets at the beach… in reply to merejames #
- #kalamar #
- Moving to level two and getting the illicit food
duedye colours. #
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