Gospel Service at the Parkes Elvis Festival

It has been a long time since I have been at a church service. Given the photo opportunities, I could not turn down the chance to go to this one, also I have never been to a gospel service. As you can see, it was a service with a distinctly Elvis bent, and I have recorded much sound so I can make a movie out of it. But that will take a lot of work and will have to come later. The service has lots of dancing and singing.

Elvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at Parkes

Elvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at Parkes

Of course, there was Elvis and many other singers.

Elvis Festival at Parkes

Elvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at Parkes

And then the churches. I suspect that both the Catholics and uniting church were represented but there was a third woman. I did not know where she fitted in. The movie will tell much more. Just let me say that I thought they handled the tensions and contradictions as well as I have seen it done. I think there is hope for them yet. But then I am an optimist.

Elvis Festival at ParkesElvis Festival at Parkes

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