- #OHMS 00:45:54, 2013-03-08
- RT @regvulture: LinkedIn password hack sueball kicked to the kerb by judge: Leaked hashes not an automatic threat of identity theft.… ht … 00:50:01, 2013-03-08
- RT @regvulture: Throttled customers rage over Virgin Mobile UK's tight cap: EE wasn't supposed to choke them. Virgin Mobile UK's exp… ht … 01:18:00, 2013-03-08
- …Trojan-infected zombie drones… http://t.co/wmiUFs0rDD 01:21:16, 2013-03-08
- My concern was well founded: Krysta has decided that now that we have newly hatched chickens she should give up eating chicken. 03:49:38, 2013-03-08
- The nice #688 driver dropped us passengers off @ the station entrance rather than the stop as the train arrived. The runners got the train. 07:00:26, 2013-03-08
- Pagoda http://t.co/IvkV3HRDdt 08:17:54, 2013-03-08
- A Cockatoo feeding prohibition is proposed and our suburb is one of the ones listed. http://t.co/6tYs0RJo0K 09:26:02, 2013-03-08
- A ground engineer spotted "caustic smelling" 3-inch flames coming from the battery, which he was unable to put out… http://t.co/IxiDMjUAf6 13:11:50, 2013-03-08
- RT @ConversationEDU: YouTube, @amandapalmer & Psy. How the internet is changing music. @Brooks_Rob @UNSWnews discusses http://t.co/E … 16:19:21, 2013-03-08
- RT @regvulture: Leaked: The secret OAuth app keys to Twitter's VIP lounge: Now any code can pose as micro-blogging site's Very Impor… ht … 04:37:04, 2013-03-09
- RT @sciam: The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci's Arithmetic Revolution [Excerpt] http://t.co/FKEQch4JRs 04:48:46, 2013-03-09
- NZ court rules in Megaupload founder's favour http://t.co/GyvVVmyico #Aljazeera 05:44:07, 2013-03-09
- RT @mpesce: Episode XII: Empire Accidentally Posts Death Star Plans to Facebook Account 15:04:36, 2013-03-09
- @harrip01 so when are we getting the "Peter Harris" version? in reply to harrip01 15:05:59, 2013-03-09
- Apple has provided more than enough evidence…to suggest…that it has not fully complied with the court's order http://t.co/94tlh0MSQ7 15:12:04, 2013-03-09
- National Rhododendron Gardens http://t.co/uUjiskQUy1 19:30:48, 2013-03-09
- RT @esthetlil: Comparing Syria http://t.co/gaa7IyeCDv 05:55:50, 2013-03-10
- One of the chickens died overnight. R.I.P. 09:17:30, 2013-03-10
- Tried the Spinach And Ricotta Filo @ Montage Wares And Cafe – http://t.co/yNR2UxF2mj 11:39:55, 2013-03-10
- Tried the Risotto Ball @ Montage Wares And Cafe – http://t.co/Pw5iSj0iOu 11:59:29, 2013-03-10
- RT @mpesce: Chinese physicists measure speed of Einstein’s ‘spooky action at a distance’: At least 10,000 times faster… http://t.co/X6lA … 18:32:42, 2013-03-10
- RT @Fraser_inAu: Starbase Orion lists a game as Player1, Player2, AI, AI, AI, AI, AI,AI Why do I wish the player names were Shub Niggura … 20:45:31, 2013-03-10
- #profile 22:09:21, 2013-03-10
- RT @eccentricusman: It all makes sense now!
@usmannrana @godlessyndicate http://t.co/9h20F0TwzK 03:57:14, 2013-03-11 - RT @mrtiedt: BlogPost: Pushing the Boundaries. A Redistribution is coming, so someone better get the popcorn… http://t.co/Gu2gfQaOQz 04:01:54, 2013-03-11
- RT @CSIROnews: #4oclockfact Royal Melbourne Hospital is the busiest public hospital. In 06-07 it had 100,476 admissions, or approx 245 p … 04:10:11, 2013-03-11
- Tokyo stages mass anti-nuclear rally http://t.co/bvtzlz79pq #Aljazeera 08:33:52, 2013-03-11
- A day of hard manual labour preparing for the soon to start hard garbage pickups. 12:20:02, 2013-03-11
- RT @regvulture: Mozilla to Apple: no browser for you!: Let us run Gecko or we'll go home. Firefox won't land on Apple's iOS until th… ht … 12:23:44, 2013-03-11
- RT @metrotrains: Some more pics of the sleeper replacement and re-railing works between Flinders St and Jolimont http://t.co/p5MsUbHm9H 12:27:46, 2013-03-11
- Very old fashioned computer controlled reel to reel players. #irony 14:52:04, 2013-03-11
- RT @ConversationEDU: Monday's medical myth: alcohol kills brain cells http://t.co/gmAw0Yxizo via @conversationedu 16:06:38, 2013-03-11
- RT @stilgherrian: MT @kjmci: CityRail are now sharing photos related to major downtime: http://t.co/E01HNqZ5XN [And that's a mess!] 03:20:26, 2013-03-12
- #messy 03:39:01, 2013-03-12
- RT @regvulture: Galaxy S4's 'wireless charging' will betray Samsung's best pal: Qualcomm thrown under a bus in Qi battery top-up rum… ht … 03:42:09, 2013-03-12
- These lazy generals keep on abandoning their posts. :-/ 04:39:17, 2013-03-12
- The general consensus seems
TIto be that it was arnie chook who died. But Krysta disagrees. 06:36:11, 2013-03-12 - Bondi Beach http://t.co/cePGFxoQmS 08:14:22, 2013-03-12
- @atablefortwo *Hug* in reply to atablefortwo 10:54:00, 2013-03-12
- RT @regvulture: Mongo-display Apple iPhone prototype surfaces: 'You call that a big-screen phone? This is a big-screen phone!'. For … ht … 12:32:17, 2013-03-12
- The “pro-regulation” group that included Russia, China and a number of Arabic nations … http://t.co/V1r94SFvCA 12:36:24, 2013-03-12
- RT @regvulture: Riverbed rolling script language and SDK everywhere: GUIs waste so much time. Riverbed Networks has announced its in… ht … 16:26:00, 2013-03-12
- RT @regvulture: Japan's free public VPN project tunnels through Great Firewall: China and Japan make friends on the interwebs. Chine… ht … 19:57:28, 2013-03-12
- RT @regvulture: Godzilla wreaks revenge on Pakistani government web sites: Monster hacker takes out key sites to protest terror atta… ht … 20:01:54, 2013-03-12
- @regvulture maybe some standards org should develop an open house api for all kinds of devices… in reply to regvulture 20:45:48, 2013-03-12
- I think it currently stands at Mosquitos 5, Brian 1. 21:02:03, 2013-03-12
- My ancestor, who at one time, along with his son, owned 20% of all privately owned land west of the great divide. http://t.co/lxjpnTSpKt 06:39:39, 2013-03-13
- RT @metrotrains: Belgrave & Lilydale trains may be delayed by up to 20 minutes in both directions due to a grass fire beside the lin … 07:30:22, 2013-03-13
- Kangaroo @Burrinjuck http://t.co/BgCNuyWrh7 08:11:55, 2013-03-13
- On a train hooning towards the fire wracked signals of east camberwell… #metro 16:29:11, 2013-03-13
- RT @JulianBurnside: "illegals" as a term of disparagement of asylum seekers was coined in the 1930s, referring to German Jews. We have n … 21:51:13, 2013-03-13
- part of a package of $15m getting spread around among the C-suite Oompa Loompas. http://t.co/dCxo25Xm3v 03:28:38, 2013-03-14
- RT @greens_bel: New Zealand supports second reading of gay marriage vote 77-44, supported by both PM and leader of opposition. http://t. … 03:29:44, 2013-03-14
- @greens_bel saddens me to be in this backward place called australia. in reply to greens_bel 03:30:25, 2013-03-14
- with a reminder of the over 100,000 people who are still displaced from their homes—some of whom will never return http://t.co/84DR3SGgFg 03:36:32, 2013-03-14
- The girls telling #Siri that they are not "Brian poo bum", but not realising that they need to say "yes" to confirm this. 03:38:32, 2013-03-14
- Death reveals dark side of Indian detentions http://t.co/6fwr47cry8 #Aljazeera 07:23:18, 2013-03-14
- Chocolate Factory Fire in Marrickville http://t.co/huNjjKIobF 08:10:48, 2013-03-14
- @Melissainau it made very cheap chocolates. It was the second time the factory had burned down. The insurance company refused to pay. in reply to Melissainau 08:48:21, 2013-03-14
- RT @ConversationEDU: Another leader ousted – Rolf Gerritsen of @CDUni examines the harsh northern political climate. http://t.co/Qqjdjmy … 14:56:49, 2013-03-14
- Glen Waverley train cam into the station hot and fast tooting its horn, was surprised it could stop in time. #parliament 17:12:56, 2013-03-14
- @ApostrophePong me too. Any ideas? in reply to ApostrophePong 17:14:28, 2013-03-14
- RT @regvulture: Euro satellite ‘heard’ Japanese megaquake in SPACE: Infrasound waves travelled 270 kilometers into the heavens. The … ht … 17:17:44, 2013-03-14
- Ha ha, just sent my first message where the errata arrived before the message. 17:20:31, 2013-03-14
- RT @regvulture: Blue Coat, Skype and QQ named as government surveillance helpers: Reporters Without Borders slams "enemies of the in… ht … 17:59:00, 2013-03-14