- RT @sciam: Scientists Decipher the Healing Powers of Placebos (preview) http://t.co/XyKyq8nJnn 06:05:49, 2013-04-05
- RT @vanbadham: What IS going on with Australia’s brain when $250k is “not much” but the dole is “too much”?I suspect “selfish asshole … 13:38:07, 2013-04-05
- Sydney -> instant hay fever 00:26:08, 2013-04-06
- #angst 05:46:42, 2013-04-06
- RT @stilgherrian: 1. Me at @TechnologySpec: “The Spamhaus attack’s real lessons” http://t.co/wAJU3S3A7d 14:13:10, 2013-04-06
- #grumpy #kids 22:55:50, 2013-04-06
- The car should auto update its clock when the phone is connected. #gps #atomic 02:08:53, 2013-04-07
- From the
FFFFOF to the BSP. 02:36:36, 2013-04-07 - ESFAK #trawool 04:31:39, 2013-04-08
- China wades into Korean peninsula tensions http://t.co/N35BoCe7ra #Aljazeera …wondering why none speak of the power struggle within… 06:53:27, 2013-04-08
- RT @regvulture: #ANALYSIS Mythbusting: Australia IS NOT training more personal trainers than IT pros: Real data shows more people st… ht … 07:12:30, 2013-04-08
- RT @VictoriaPolice: Fatal crash at Dixons Creek – update http://t.co/1fYMO2L6AU 08:36:21, 2013-04-08
- The accident that meant I had to drive from Yea to Lilydale via Healsville. http://t.co/qYYcwLOksn 09:05:04, 2013-04-08
Possum Spirit http://t.co/cPenNDJpBY 09:16:50, 2013-04-08
- @兩面派 was being tailgated. 10:57:18, 2013-04-08
- RT @jason_a_w: Wait, racist young liberals? There must be some mistake. 10:57:36, 2013-04-08
- RT @srnsw: Today in History 8 Apr 1817 the Bank of NSW was established; the first bank in Australia, founded by Gov. Macquarie http://t. … 13:04:49, 2013-04-08
- RT @ConversationEDU: Why we shouldn’t return to the three r’s of reading, writing and arithmetic in education. @stewr78 @USQNews discuss … 13:08:38, 2013-04-08
- RT @crikey_news: What’s your problem with public transport Mr Abbott? A Coalition govt will fund new freeways but not public transport h … 13:09:43, 2013-04-08
- @stilgherrian @joshgnosis I am reminded of a certain Queensland government who thought that electric trains were a bad idea… in reply to stilgherrian 13:12:48, 2013-04-08
- Yep, under this flat tax rate everyone who earns less than $707,400 pay more tax, those who earn over pay less. http://t.co/AcB6X1BXvN 13:46:16, 2013-04-08
- whilst feeding the chooks listening to the nearby but retreating thumping of tails farther down the back yard. 22:13:09, 2013-04-08
- RT @stilgherrian: I can no longer tell the difference between reality and parody. 22:27:54, 2013-04-08
- RT @copenhagenize: Applies to too many cities but a friend called it Torontosaurus Wrecks… 🙂 . #cycling http://t.co/cJwxoo0EVK 22:28:03, 2013-04-08
- @stilgherrian sounds like you need an USB microscope in reply to stilgherrian 22:30:55, 2013-04-08
- #interpretations 07:07:34, 2013-04-09
- RT @stilgherrian: I promise that my policy will deliver all the sex you’re getting now for $300 less per year without being subsidised b … 07:59:08, 2013-04-09
Family in Malaysia http://t.co/1CwZAOnQnG 09:00:58, 2013-04-09
- RT @Mark_Graph: Weekly aggregation: 44.5 to 55.5 http://t.co/0js6XsQN5s #auspol #newspoll 09:09:19, 2013-04-09
- RT @neerav: Fairfax business journalist Paddy Manning sacked for writing opinion piece critical of restructure & “advertorials”. htt … 11:00:10, 2013-04-09
- RT @keandrews: Excellent article about food allergies. http://t.co/ODmfvIjImE 13:13:00, 2013-04-09
- @atablefortwo melbournians. in reply to atablefortwo 13:15:13, 2013-04-09
- RT @oliyoung: So the Coalition’s “NBN” 22% of the coverage and 50% of the speed for 80% of the cost … nice 13:15:51, 2013-04-09
- RT @markwillacy: Operator of Fukushima nuclear plant greatly underestimated amount of radiation in water that leaked from storage pool h … 14:39:08, 2013-04-09
- RT @Elmo_Keep: Yep, the Coalition’s NBN will be cheaper right up until the whole thing needs to be upgraded in a few years’ time. 18:14:48, 2013-04-09
- RT @mpesce: I know the content providers don’t want us to have symmetric upstream, but I for one do. 18:15:34, 2013-04-09
- @wingdingo @facebook yep, slow. Mine also crashes every second time it is opened. in reply to wingdingo 20:33:55, 2013-04-09
- RT @Fraser_inAu: This promoted tweet from Combank almost looks like it is supported by @choiceaustralia just because I follow Choice ht … 20:35:34, 2013-04-09
- The universal tailgaters riding the slipstream eternal. 21:19:13, 2013-04-09
- @Steve_Hayes a ying & yang thing there are benefits and detriments in both. The trick is to get a better result from the creative tension. in reply to Steve_Hayes 05:46:22, 2013-04-10
- Descending into the fog #688, only one Myki reader not working. 07:39:16, 2013-04-10
on the train – Shanghai to Nanjing http://t.co/2QjjD4bCnm 09:04:27, 2013-04-10
- RT @regvulture: Two new supers go live in Oz: Igor pulls the big switch. The Pawsey Centre in Western Australia – which among other … ht … 13:36:11, 2013-04-10
- RT @ABSStats: Australian Social Trends released today shows that 57% of young doctors are women in 2011. http://t.co/XCHzHfT0F4 13:40:02, 2013-04-10
- @monkeypushtree @keandrews looks cool though my brain immediately started wondering about naturals, repeats, volumes, codas… 🙂 in reply to monkeypushtree 17:02:05, 2013-04-10
- RT @regvulture: Seoul plans anti-GPS jamming system to thwart NORKS: Naughty North Korea has been disrupting signals since 2010. Sou… ht … 17:45:06, 2013-04-10
- Got to Croydon, looked up & thought, gosh, the mountain were I live is on fire… http://t.co/r55TgNZSlV 19:06:50, 2013-04-10
- #automatic (it) 22:47:36, 2013-04-10
- RT @mpesce: Seriously: if this is how afraid the O’Farrell government is of a PAINTED CROSSWALK, we’ve passed the threshold into lunacy. 01:24:11, 2013-04-11
- The secret influence of seals http://t.co/UGRYKj71nk 01:45:08, 2013-04-11
- RT @regvulture: Attack of the CYBER NORKS! Pyongyang in frontal assault online: Jong-un’s a WRONG ‘UN, claim southerners. As the Kor… ht … 07:02:00, 2013-04-11
- The wrong #desto. 07:34:47, 2013-04-11
- Croissants and popcorn are potentially high sources of transfats. 08:20:34, 2013-04-11
- RT @techreview: New optical technology paves the way for more efficient ocean-spanning transmissions. http://t.co/E4rUhs3V55 08:20:40, 2013-04-11
fishing boats http://t.co/ZeXW7Bq54J 09:21:42, 2013-04-11
- RT @EvilHayama: 61% of Australians are Christian, and dropping. Fastest rising is No Religion, up to 22%! Other is only 7%. http://t.co/ … 11:54:13, 2013-04-11