I was baptised in St Mary’s Church, in North Melbourne, by none other than the Reverend Peter J Hollingworth. I did not know this until after Peter became the Governor General of Australia (29 June 2001 – 28 May 2003) and my mother mentioned it. Back at the time Peter was just a young minister just out of college. Not knowing any of this, in the 1991 I went to St Marys to watch some live music played on a harpsichord. Also, this is in July. I always though I went to Singapore when I was three months old. But this is after that. So I must have gone there between July and the end of the year.
On the certificate it says:
Holy Baptism
In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Received into the congregation of Christ’s Flock and singed with the sign of the cross. .
Ye are to take card that this child be brought to the bishop to be confirmed by him so soon as he can say the creed, the Lords Prayer, and the Ten Commandments in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in the Church Catechism set for for that purpose…
And is it is signed by my grandparents.