I have been riding past this wall for some time now as I only changed my route to work about three months ago. I have been meaning to stop and take a pic. Today I did and used the photo stitch software autostitch to stitch the photo together. Click on the image to see the full sized version. Unfortunately a couple of mosquitoes got in on the action too. I was bitten. I was able to get rid of one tree and most of the second using the software. Unfortunately the second tree was closer to the wall. I think if I came back in winter when the trees have no leaves I could get rid of both of them.
I stopped in Redfern to send the images as an email. A woman walking a dog walked past. She said: “have they got it right this time?”. But I was not paying enough attention. So I mumbled yes, which is incorrect. Though they are closer. But they have been closer before. She said, “I hope so”.