Well, on the way home I did something unusual and walked down to Belmore park rather than across to Castlereagh Street and saw what turned out to be a rehearsal for the opening ceremony for Chinese New Year. So we saw them go through the various parts, checking the timings, lights and sound. Each act put on a shortened version of their show and the talkers were not present. But still it was very interesting.
That day we had had a meeting at work with some people from Singapore. I was reminded, as I forgot, that in south East Asia it is considered a bit rude to call it Chinese new year as it applies to others who are not Chinese, so they call it the lunar new year. Anyway, in China it is not called Chinese New Year either, it is the Spring Festival. This would be very similar to the Americans who say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas so as not not offend the Jews.
Also, it is interesting that it is in Mandarin ant not Cantonese. Though I don’t think Cantonese was as entrenched here in Sydney as it was in Melbourne.
Everything can be offensive these days. How would you offend Aussies?
.-= ‘Pong´s last blog ..Moth and Mouse =-.
Easy, just say you don’t like Australia or something Australian.
That is so Un-australian!
.-= ‘Pong´s last blog ..Tweets on 2010-02-14 =-.