- @n fixie art: http://www.abc.net.au/arts/stories/s2879242.htm #
- lost the flag off the trike while riding, by the time he realised and went back and found it, a thief had taken the light #
- thinks he might need to implement a pre riding check list for the trike # #
- @n full sized and metal would be brilliant http://sydneybodyartridehq.blogspot.com/2010/04/build-your-own-dragster.html #
- is pleased to see that the garden has not one skink, but two and hopes that there are more #
- @n You don’t have to cycle around the world, just stay in one spot and let the world cycle below you 🙂 (via @scottstoll) #
- @n mobile mice! http://www.chrisharrison.net/projects/minput/ #
- RT @beaney: I love the internet: http://bit.ly/bK5NOY (via @DDsD, @awws, @lachlanhardy) <– AWESOME! – oh too funny (via @merejames) #
- is pleased and annoyed that he is feeling cold while riding the trike #
- @n roof top farming in NY: http://www.seeddaily.com/reports/Rooftop_farming_booming_in_New_York_999.html #
- is now running at 80 psi #
- broke his second top peak bar, thinks that there is too much weight, will look for an alternative #
- @n bones: http://www.seaofghosts.com/2010/04/oh-my-bones/ #
- @n dirty dozen: U.S., India, Brazil, South Korea, Vietnam, Germany, U.K., Russia, Italy, France, Romania, and Poland. #
- ordered a stem to replace the bar extender #
- @n insert memory card http://stilgherrian.com/sydney/an-important-roadside-warning/ #
- @stilgherrian sounds more like a sinclair or some such, but the ipad is closed to the ideal in reply to stilgherrian #
- is in the land of light drizzly rain stuff and going to take his ewaste on the trike down for the recycling day #
- RT @stilgherrian: Real first-person shooter vid: Dutch marines clear Somali pirates off container ship. http://bit.ly/cWv4b9 #
- wonders if banning the veil is like banning the kilt http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Belgium_passes_ban_on_full_face_veil #
- disposed of his eWaste: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=4503 #
- is enjoying the warm sun beating down upon his skin #
- is seeing a lot more men in skirts these days #
- saw a tshirt and it said London, new York, redfern #
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