Did the DHBC slowies ride in the morning. It had been raining for days, but the radar indicated a dry patch. It turned out to be a beautiful morning. I took the GT3 and it created a bit of a stir at the club. Though was a pleasant change, unlike the people at work, there were many of positive comments. As fellow cyclists, they were intrigued and wanted to learn more. There were lots of questions and Lindsay took it for a short ride. The group was quite small, which was great. We were able to have one group at the table at the Marrickville Road Cafe and it was very chatty. I did get my second flat, a slow leak and have decided to replace my tyres with ones designed for touring.
In the afternoon I rode up the hill to visit Fiona. We went to see a play called How to Succeed in Business without really trying. It was held at the Latvian Theatre in Parnell Street, Strathfield and performed by the Strathfield Musical Society. We had a bit of drama getting there as there were track works and the usual bus shenanigans were taking place. It was a good musical, though a bit long. It was well well produced and performed. I have to say I was impressed.
I was not searching for a new flat mate, just saying I should get off my bum and get one, but one appeared on the net and so I asked and now I have a new flat mate – David Newton.