A new group on FB – I love the Bourke Street Cycleway.
They say:
As a first act, I think we should inform all businesses on the South Sydney Corporate Park site, and general Bourke Rd precinct, that we will no longer purchase their goods and/or services until they cease formal opposition to the magnificent (if flawed) public resource that is the cycleway.
Secondly, when anti-cycleway messages are sent to all employees on site at South Sydney Corporate Park, we demand the automatic right to email an alternative viewpoint to the same users. And when we say demand, we mean, um, can we please have this right, Sir or Ma’am? Pretty please?
Thirdly, I think those of who work for News Magazines at SSCP should buy segments of a healthy, organic dead animal and BBQ together at the barbies near Bourke Rd. Does Friday July 23 at 12.30 pm work for most people? I buy, you bring some gold coins for expenses…
Sydney Media say Sydney Loves a Bike Network.
New research shows that 84 per cent of inner Sydney residents consider a good bike network to be important and that three in four want the network built.
Residents recognise that congestion on Sydney’s roads is a major problem (forecast to grow 23 per cent over the next 15 years), with half of those polled saying the main benefit of a cycleway network is less traffic congestion.
I put a comment into an article on the Wentworth Courier, but it has not been approved yet. There have not been any comments approved form the day I submitted it so maybe it will be next week. I forgot to record it. But it went something like this: I ride 5 days a week on the bourke street cycleway. I think riders may be avoding it while it is a construction zone. Sydney needs to be a modern city and have good infrastructure like this.