- is waiting for the first train to Bondi #
- had to evacuate from the bistro in jenolan yesterday because of a fire alarm #
- @desktop: bonegilla: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2742190338/sizes/o/ #
- @n the IInet view on the NBN and election: http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/356954/election_2010_what_isps_want_-_iinet/ #
- @desktop: blasting matilda: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/126867119/sizes/l/ #
- @n: facintating stuff on display vs print and ePaper: http://www.bit-101.com/blog/?p=2722 #
- is sore again *sighs* #
- @n a case of cattle theft in 1887: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=5829 #
- @n two years after Richard Marks' death they were worrying about the will? http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=5834 #
- @n so what was the real property act? http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=5843 #
- @n Was Issac Haslam a good friend of Arthur Ambrose? http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=5840 #
- is listening to a talk on the future of fannie mae and freddie mac and thinks, how totally socialist are they! #
- @n very cool icelandic power pylons: http://www.choishine.com/port_projects/landsnet/landsnet.html #
- @n lunch at sri brinchang: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=5852 #
- @desktop: cranes and tanks: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/1780766876/sizes/o/ #
- @n wimax is a dying tech and only the liberals seem to think it is a good idea: http://www.telecomasia.net/content/wimax-has-expanded-max #
- bought another g string! #
- is at the dentist #
- @n weston street and the light rail is a hot topic at the council transport meeting tonight #
- wonders, the greens are green, labour is red, the liberals are blue, what colour are the nationals? #
- @desktop: imperial courtyard – Shengyang: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/343837941/sizes/o/ #
- has caught the o-bahn many times, but never got off at paradise interchange #
- gets strike two on obtaining a bike box, how can it be this difficult? #
- @n birds in paddington: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/4909436614/ #
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