- avoided the troll in Rosanna #
- is at Avalon #
- is back in cold and wet Sydney #
- sees two cars crashing #
- @desktop image: upside down bikes and tents: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5053414075/sizes/l/ #
- @n web traffic being hijacked into china: http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-20019093-245.html #
- @mayorofnewtown do they go through all the footage on thier bus videos and catch the people involved? in reply to mayorofnewtown #
- @n can't believe that there is a charlatan on the tv saying that praying to mary mackillop cures cancer #
- @asphotos my car was very unsafe. It would only go at 155 km/h. in reply to asphotos #
- asks: which dialect? Ju li tsang tseng quai le? #
- @desktop: B Double: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5050619350/sizes/l/ #
- has been blissfully out of the horrible overcrowding that is sydney's trains in peak hour #
- has a new body #
- @desktop: the streets of HK: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/390236542/sizes/o/ #
- @desktop: a side path: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5053381077/sizes/l/ #
- @citrusandcandy spam is not my favorite, but I do like it. Perhaps if the had spad I would be happier. in reply to citrusandcandy #
- has started using twitter in safari rather than firefox as it is killing firefox #
- @desktop: Coloured Glass: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2265784181/sizes/z/ #photo #glass #
- says, the computer is dead! #
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