- @n Monto to Eidsvold Via Abercorn and Ceratodus: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=6692 #
- @kcarruthers yep, because the alternative is lots of gas bottles under the house. I lived in a house once with 5, 2 meter longs bottles #
- sees three men in straw hats #
- @ABC_miche one password to rule them all… #
- @desktopimage: Wrong Way: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5170476212/sizes/l/ #
- @kcarruthers Govenrments need an excuse to say, see it's all their fault we had to do the budget cuts, we are just being good. #
- @CQ2010: Eidsvold to Mount Perry via Markoola, Lands End and Allen: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=6810 #
- @sspencer_63 There is a comedy skit in that… #
- thinks that whoever made those programs to detect cats walking on keyboards should adapt them for small children typing #
- @desktopimage: Slow Down: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5177680545/sizes/l/ #
- @wingdingo but who was on the other end? #
- caught the new lift at work, sixties techonology repalced by noughtys technology, seems like it is ok #
- @desktopimage: Cattle Grid on a trike: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5178276120/sizes/l/ #
- went to the local chemist, bought pasta, canned tomatoes, washing powder, fly spray and a battery. #
- learns that before 1972, schools in nsw could reject students because of race. #
- @desktopimage: slow to 40, do not overtake: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5178284436/sizes/l/ #
- @stilgherrian if the tea party happened today, would it be branded as an act of terrorism? #
- hopes to get back his old body today #
- @jjprojects that's right. Otherwise you might have to walk her home. #
- @desktopimage: puffing billy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2516908762/sizes/o/ #
- thinks that the afganistan exhibition at the acp is the best photo exhibition he has ever seen #
- @Blog: Living with cockroaches: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=6871 #
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