Finally I headed off on my own. Having walked to the bus stop, I waited at the terminal. I was a bit concerned to see if I had a real and valid ticket, but in the end all was ok. The touts at the terminal did a good job of running things and after a wait, I was on the bus and on my way. We headed up some minor roads until we hit the main highway. Not understanding the seating system, I sat in the wrong spot. The man notice and asked me to move. I did not realise the seats were booked individually. I dropped my wallet but did not notice. The Muslim woman who sat in the sat I had wrongly occupied gave me my wallet. I love it when you meet travellers like this.
We stopped mid journey at Gerik and were able to get off to buy food and visit the loo, or even the little temple. I did none of these things, but I did get off and have a stretch. After the stop there were many more mosques and fewer temples. The remainder of the journey went well and in the afternoon we arrived in Kota Bharu.
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