- Ood bomb #
- chilli beef pasties: http://yewenyi.net/wpblog/?p=8026 #foodfromthepast #
- ah, when I say I am sending a DVD, people assume that I am sending a movie. #
- a buz on the front door must mean success #
- recalculating relationships #
- im'ing with children who have you yet learned to read or write… #
- A temple in Harbin: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/346475388/sizes/z/ #desktops temple #
- quits to restart #
- Sad people who dislike their own bodies. #
- 100% packet loss ;-( #
- seems to be a defensive mechanism, will have to ask support #
- barriers are fences. fences keep people apart and prevent interaction #
- Boundaries are and barriers keep people apart and prevent interaction #
- A bridge in Omeo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/2547888586/sizes/o/ #desktopimage #
- @stilgherrian very deep, neither is the fact that something is old a reason to desire it. #
- Seems Google likes the NBN http://t.co/o1UbZCt #
- A land of bozos and dangerous mice. #
- Amelia Eve Wong and Alfred Marks in the early part of the 20th century: http://j.mp/fGBBpx #cousin #
- Popping a grand delusion, covered in delusional gunk. #
- At Bronte Beach: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5487865459/sizes/l/ #desktopimages #
- coincidences #
- wondering what is better, to continue with a pit dunny or spent lots of money on connecting to the mains sewage or put in a composting dunny #
- 他被告了 #
- PKKW #
- Consequences #
- An evil man who calls himself Fred and speaks with a fake Chicago accent. #
- Scots Colledge: http://flic.kr/p/9mZMwu #desktopimage #school #
- Morons who think they can be nice and all will be forgiven. #
- *gasp* #
- sometimes, goes with the flow. #
- Spiders #
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