- Kirsten called Telstra last night. They said big pond is being maintained over Easter and the internet can't be reconnected until Tuesday. #
- Request: genetically engineer children to be toilet trained at birth. #
- The non stop twigs a-falling, the distant drone of tyres on bitumen, the near scrunching of tyres on gravel. #
- 1 x Angry, 1 x Sad, 1 x Happy… #
- Do possums eat chocolate? #
- visited a cemetery and planted some plants, bought petrol, ate at macdonalds and travelled far #
- @mirvettium children #
- Which is the one tree? http://flic.kr/p/9ACpHS #
- singing in summer hill: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5599780797/sizes/l/ #
- horizontal rather than vertical scrolling: http://www.thinkingforaliving.org/archives/5469 #
- Whoever thinks that Sydney has better weather than Melbourne is clearly wrong. #
- Bastard fairies taking off with nipple rings! #
- cloud and wing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/265873445/sizes/z/ #
- @victoriaconners not to mention all the drivers who spray the water fromt the clogged drains all the way across the foot path #
- Like Europa, Titan May Have A Giant Subsurface OceanĀ – Technology Review http://t.co/tW3w1Cr #
- Currently reading http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/384596/updated_nbn_tasmania_second_stage_rollout_schedule_released/ #
- at the Sydeny Roay Easter Show: http://www.flickr.com/photos/yewenyi/5664267904/sizes/l/ #
- the web site says my bike computer will measure speeds up to 199 kmh, but the manual says 300 kmh. #
- @zoomosis the tin! #
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