Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-13

  • Revealing numbers about the Mac App Store: "What Does Having the #6 App in a Mac App Store Category Get You? $15.42" #
  • @QiQ do you have any plans to support ipV6? #
  • Sees that the brits are continuing with their terrible first past the post voting system: #
  • Is annoyed by people who copy his orders of food. :-/ #
  • would appear to have fixed aperture with the old trash the adjustment chain presets plist file trick #
  • sky high, cloud low: #
  • car 1 comes out of a side street, car 2 breaks avoids hitting car1's driver's door, toots, driver 1 gives driver 2 the finger, swears. #
  • Melodramatic, the word seems to fit. #
  • annoying coastal showers… #
  • Camping on the Balcony #
  • @ClaireHQ you'd need a budget tree in every house and then the treasurer would come around at night and leave presents under the tree. #
  • Is grid iron the most unsafe sport of the mainstream sports or is rugby just as bad? #
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video listening to music in the car #
  • Is sick in the head and neck, well more specifically in the nose and throat. #
  • Power dropped out, ups failed, recloser tried three times, failed, #blackout #
  • Is there anything on twitter that supplies info on current electricity supply problems? #
  • is back in the land of the privileged ones who have electricity. #
  • Hamlet via @AddToAny #
  • Returning to Sydney via @AddToAny #
  • The Accident: Air Ambulance and Police Helicopter. #
  • The evil empire confirms $8.5 billion Skype buy #
  • @asphotos Can you call someone on a windows computer from a mac using face time? #
  • ordered a new UPS, the man rang to say it was discontinued, offered me another model for the same price, I saved $6.00! #
  • @harrip01 A milk shake perhaps? #
  • India court reserves ruling on appeals of five jailed telecom execs #
  • Leighton to build its own Singapore-Perth cable via @itnews_au #
  • The message says, install looks fine, cross fingers and reboot… #
  • I liked a @YouTube video listening to music in the car #
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video Road Crash on the Melba Highway #
  • I liked a @YouTube video Kerrisdale Mountain Railway #
  • I liked a @YouTube video Engine #
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video Engine #
  • I uploaded a @YouTube video Kerrisdale Mountain Railway #
  • reloaded the key wordpress files, hopefully it fixes my problems. #
  • I subscribed to learntobellydance1's channel on YouTube. #
  • Out! Out, dam virus! #
  • More racist weirdos who think that there is something wrong with going to Thailand. #
  • @ApostrophePong I've only transited. I spent two hours sleeping in a jumbo at bankok airport at 3 am. #
  • @ApostrophePong I did watch a movie once while parked on the Tarmac, after the airport terminal shut at Sydney. #
  • @ApostrophePong did your colleague end up using my photo? #
  • Bike Marrickville Chocolate and Fine Food Ride via @AddToAny #
  • Bike Marrickville Chocolate and Fine Food Ride #
  • snowed yesterday in Sassafras, it looks like it will be a cold winter… #
  • @grabyourfork cool, but the westies and bible belt views are missing… #
  • @ApostrophePong alas I did not end up moving to malaysia to reverse the brain drain… #
  • @ApostrophePong no, that's ok. I have a soft copy. #
  • @ApostrophePong I now mostly use chrome. #
  • if you abbreviate John to Jno. it still uses 4 characters. So what's the point? #
  • Ultrafast fibre optics set new speed record – tech – 29 April 2011 – New Scientist via @AddThis #
  • @KyleJudah I still think that air plane mode should bring up a cockpit screen and take over control of the air plane. #
  • A day in Blackheath via @AddToAny #
  • Wonders if all those from the shire have exceptionally hairy feet and live in holes in the ground with round doors. #
  • @stilgherrian so what is the operation? Are they breath testing everyone? #
  • @stilgherrian @nswpolice Did they also close the train line? #
  • is suddenly having troubles with my mouse disappearing. Anyone else on mac os x having this problem? #
  • @yewenyi turns out it is because of the Flickr Slide show player. #
  • @keandrews I didn't see him there, but he saw me. So we had a chat. Sadly I missed his singing by only 10 minutes. #
  • Giant Moth #

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