- Google on the mobile network http://t.co/HM1c9Sb #
- 50-year search for calcium channel ends: http://t.co/l9BJED0 via @AddThis #
- TROOPER BLACKMAN http://t.co/KVFTJd8 via @AddToAny #
- Irwin Oxley Blackman was married to Miss Evelyn Pretoria Barker http://t.co/vYFnXrg via @AddToAny #
- #
- Is a bit surprised to find that while the Timor sea water storage is at 99%, there seems to be no water in the Indian Ocean storage. #
- Riding the trike through a glistening fields shattered glass glistening resplendently green and gold in the dawn sun. #
- I need someone to give me a lot of money to set up my own domain name http://t.co/UYMrUHU #
- Mr Table Head #15 http://flic.kr/p/4Cx4VG #
- cape grim data: http://t.co/LskKZxy #
- bacteria behaving like people… http://t.co/6RJ3BDP #
- has a vision of getting rained on #
- heavy rain, non-event, howling winds, non-event #dissapointment #
- A man cycles into a military base. On the road past the shared footpath, the on the footpath past the cycle lane. #embarrassing #
- Gladesville Bridge http://flic.kr/p/hBpsH #
- Is the new government changing the buses from labour red to liberal blue? #
- @talsit_de_cod today? #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/0MwMkBET_5I?a Fiber optic cables: How they work #
- Brunch ride does lunch at the Lithuanian Club http://t.co/yoJ0UIF via @AddToAny #
- Three wheeled truck http://flic.kr/p/w6aSM #
- Telstra signs NBN Definitive Agreements – Media Announcement – About Telstra: http://t.co/g5D03Uk via @AddThis #
- Brunch ride does lunch at the Lithuanian Club but outside the waterfall in Canterbury http://flic.kr/p/9VNJMb #
- @talsit_de_cod maybe you could all hop out and push? #
- @talsit_de_cod Follow this account: http://t.co/opxyVw5 #
- @Sikamikanico they'd rather limit their liability than minimize the inconvenience. #
- How city living stresses us out http://t.co/v8ysmiq via @ConversationEDU #
- A man takes two council provided dog poo bags, each big enough to hold the dog. #high pressure-poo #
- Apparently the way to break into someone's computer is to leave and infected USB stick on the ground. #
- @Sikamikanico no, railway employees are not trained appropriately so they have to wait for someone who is. #
- Conroy: Filter alive and kicking: http://t.co/hFLLW8Y via @AddThis #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/9vhahHg0FNo?a Bushwackers Band : Lachlan Tigers (1977) #
- Newtown Festival http://t.co/EvuPnZf via @AddToAny #
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