- #greedy #
- #unfair #
- Sadly the iPhone does not know how to spell fucking. #
- a solitary flying insect, out of the ground, a few hours/days to find a mate, I guess I am not suitable as a partner, keeps on looking. #
- A woman at a road side stop locked her daughter in the car, I guess to prevent a kidnapping or some such. #
- #pansy #polesitter #
- #spirals #
- Put the new hose on the vacuum cleaner. #
- The man who said, it's in feemore street opposite eastland should have said, it's in Seymour street a few blocks from eastland. #
- An alien god. #
- The real Chinese gangsters, mrs rose. #
- #imperious #
- Local rain, distant thunder #
- @mpesce I deleted Opera from my iPhone as the pre processing was so slow and buggy. #
- Blackout, terrified children. #
- Is there a feed for news on blackouts in melborne? #
- according to sp ausnet we won't have power to 7am, though we did get power for about 2 seconds. #
- 3:27 and the electricity returneth. #
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