- Sherbrooke Community School http://t.co/JiE8hZmm #
- #inept #
- Fairy Mountain http://t.co/ij6FgcwA #
- #nebulizering #
- #trip #
- Lions don't eat cabbage. #
- Walk up to the toilet. The steps ate broken. A sign says out of order. Walk away. A man passes me, goes in to the loo. #
- The importance of remembering to turn the alarms back on when returning to work. #
- Too much pitchforking, need slip-on shoes. #
- A Misty Moisty Morning http://t.co/jRO8ap5w #
- Photo Monday – 2011 October 10 – Drying fish http://t.co/esDSdUjy via @AddToAny #
- I'm guessing and hoping that the mystery of the fibro house in perth is resolved. #
- Flocking Behaviour Improves Performance Of Financial Traders http://t.co/fBjQhXXl (via @TechReview) #
- The phone in front of me says, 177 new missed calls. #
- Just watched as another cyclist, stopped at the lights, with a foot on ground, fell off for no apparent reason. Maybe education is needed. #
- #kaput #
- @CJBrogden you would be better than i at writing something succinctly. #
- #arrogance #
- #Tourettesyndrome #
- A ute driver crosses the double lines and goes the wrong way around the traffic island to avoid slowing down behind me. #ute #
- Fixing a flat in a flood http://t.co/WzcYqbfA #
- mail software has the heebeejeebies, need to restart it… #
- Freephone and local rate numbers from mobiles: something that should have happened a long time ago: http://t.co/49hEXz0u #
- @CJBrogden there was much debate and many doubters. i think the pundits had decided on one, but they were not sure. #
- #Schizophrenic #
- @victoriaconners better to be wandering the streets of Bangkok than lying here sick in bed in marrickville. #
- @CJBrogden could be. Then you would have it named after you as the official discoverer. #
- @CJBrogden you'll be more famous that I! :-p I think it may be a cold. I have just been congested and very tired. #
- #bullshitting #
- @yasnakano should they have called it iOS 4S? #
- Missed the 355 by 4 minutes, walked to the metro and missed the 352 by one minute :-/ #
- Cooking class http://t.co/cQKvXeXM #
- Wired Petri Dish Gives Real-Time Updates http://t.co/Z10sxZbL (via @TechReview) #
- @Jason Always wait for the first dot release of any new software. It is the safest way. #
- #thearchitects #
- It seems that the Melbourne xpt is a bit over 1 hour late. Is there somewhere where I can find the official expected time? #
- Started transferring files between computers, at the start 1:20 hours to go, half way through a mere 99:15 hours left to go. #
- #tired #
- Evil trains, missing buses. #
- #pangsofhunger #
- three wheeled car http://t.co/bClTjal0 #
- @DaveInNeutral @harrip01 I'm waiting until at least next week… #
- @harrip01 No, I'm otherwise known as no-fun-at-all brian. 😛 #
- really serviceable horses #
- @asphotos my car has side air brakes, which mostly consist of winding down the window and sticking ones arm out. #
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