- Our transgender chook is getting better at morning cock sounds. 07:04:15, 2012-12-21
- Dream mr google maps, our street is not a road, it is a view. 🙁 07:06:56, 2012-12-21
- Up 3 bubble 07:55:27, 2012-12-21
- Running a 300k/600k limit. Seems to be working. 08:05:15, 2012-12-21
- @asphotos sorry the world ended, according to the stobie poles, back in 1991. Just no one noticed. in reply to asphotos 08:06:11, 2012-12-21
- Two milk bottles and two freckles later… 18:20:48, 2012-12-21
- RT @pbsfm: It's our birthday today! On the 21st of December, 1979 we started broadcasting full time! ♪♪lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲ … 20:17:50, 2012-12-21
- Wow, watching a Barbie Christmas movie… 21:41:08, 2012-12-21
- @Fraser_inAu @asphotos I fell asleep. That probably saved my sanity and the universe. in reply to Fraser_inAu 22:58:55, 2012-12-21
- Corhanwarrabul, Corhanwarrabul, Corhanwarrabul, how much will it take for me to learn to remember this. 11:13:22, 2012-12-22
- #jay 16:59:59, 2012-12-23
- Flashed by a taxi. #blinded 20:51:56, 2012-12-23
- 1 cup salt, 1 turkey, 1 bucket, 1 bag, 1 trailer, the evening run is complete. 22:40:35, 2012-12-23
- The problem with doing Christmas on Christmas Eve is that the excitement starts on the eve of Christmas Eve. 22:46:30, 2012-12-23
- Nice station staff telling people to hurry for the 6:56 train as the one after has been cancelled. 07:04:26, 2012-12-24
- Dinner Plain http://t.co/zpXzASdx 08:20:17, 2012-12-24
- RT @Library_Vic: In 1870s Victoria the Christmas decoration of choice was a fern tree frond #factoftheday #collectionfishing http://t.co … 10:24:37, 2012-12-24
- @Library_Vic Have to race out into the back yard and grab a fern tree fond and add it to the Christmas decorations. 🙂 in reply to Library_Vic 10:25:21, 2012-12-24
- A man from martyrs stopped and gave a lift and took the heavy bags from the last bus stop to the caravan park. #683 20:54:57, 2012-12-24
- #shouting 02:26:35, 2012-12-25
- Another summer day, stubbornly resisting the temptation turn on the heater. 10:45:38, 2012-12-25
- Teresa has become a Bon-Bon junkie. 14:15:37, 2012-12-25
- #Bombastic 23:00:49, 2012-12-25
- RT @kaloramabrigade: Snooty Fox Olinda… http://t.co/2XiS49YJ 23:04:27, 2012-12-25
- RT @kaloramabrigade: Snooty Fox update: With a building this old, there is a chance of asbestos being involved. Locals should remove the … 23:07:10, 2012-12-25
- Krysta and Teresa just beat me at a game of spinning tops. 23:08:00, 2012-12-25
- RT @kaloramabrigade: Unfortunately snooty fox restaurant was destroyed tonight. Luckily no one was injured. All Kalorama appliances and. … 04:28:32, 2012-12-26
- In Brian's world the biggest thing he takes camping is the 4 man tent. In Kirsten's the biggest thing is the air bed. Kirsten wins. 10:09:37, 2012-12-26
- Predawn birdie alarm clock well and truly underway. 05:20:12, 2012-12-27