With the current unusually hot weather in Sydney and the fires that happened on a catastrophic fire day. My mind turns to the topic of global warming and the increase in extreme hot weather events in Australia.
The conservative politicians say that speaking of these matters is a sign of disrespect and that politics should not come into it. But, why were the firemen telling the populace to put the liberals last in the recent state by election?
Here on Mount Dandenong we live in a flame zone classified place. Any increase in hot days and general drying out places us at risk of death. This is no small matter. From the firemen’s point of view, I’d think the situation is worse. They are the ones putting their lives on the line. They are at much greater risk of dying.
So apparently it is convenient to speak of politics being disrespectful. But really it is the other way around. Those who would increase the risk to life and property are being disrespectful to those who are at risk to support their own agendas.