We went around to the new house today to do a final inspection. This time Shirley was there. It was really good to meet her and I think she enjoyed meeting us. She is definitely very proud of her house and was being helpful in telling us all the little details and the stories of what she had some to it. She wandered off with the girls into the back yard, which is open as part of the open gardens scheme on Sunday.
I worked with Richard remeasuring the Kitchen openings for the fridge and dish washer, looking in the laundry to see where the new toilet will go and deciding on the spot for the dog run, which will now be against the front neighbours brick wall rather than the rear one.
Disturbingly Richard measured the fridge hole at 800mm wide when I measured it previously at 975mm. I think I trust my measurement more. But we need to check again now. The fridge we have chosen won’t fit in a hole 800mm wide.
Also a note to myself. The shed needs a drainage trench in front to stop rainwater running into it.u