Paddington Grind

Salmon and Poached Eggs

Well I used to have breakfast in Paddington a fair bit, but after I purchased the house I needed to cut back on my expenditure and also I needed to loose some weight. But now I am riding. I had to be in at work at 7:30 AM for a meeting. But when I arrived I found, that overnight, the meeting had been moved back 45 minutes. So I decided to treat myself to some breakfast at the Paddington Grind. They definitely have the best coffee I have had in Sydney. (339 Oxford St Paddington NSW 2021)

Geographically challenged man: spandao is here!

Man: they says they are sorry!

Man: they’ve never seen anything like it before!

Woman: thats what they said, they’re closing him down!

Man: somtimes I don’t have the guts to!

Man1: he smiles like a buff head; Woman: we like that; Shouting Man2: that’s not what we think!Much babble; Man2: ok, we are sorry we said he is gay.; Man3: the police said that he was gay.

Man: after all of this he must be!

Man: it’s what the jumbucks said.

Man: you fucking pricks, you said that’s what they wanted!; Hisssing Woman: yes they did.

Man: yes the lesbians; Woman: that part they invented

Man on mobile phone: the engineers are still drilling holes in outer space…

Woman: they said he lost it

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