Seymour Flower Show

For years we have been invited to go to the show. But we have always had some reason why we could not make it. This was our first visit.

We headed out from Monbulk after the girls made their own breakfast and went to Safeway to swap theirs dream works cards.

We then drove up to Seymour. We stopped in Yea for a toilet break at the park based around the old train station. We ended up having lunch there too whilst the kids played in the park.


I misjudged the time and we ended up getting to Seymour at 1:30 pm rather than 1:00 pm. Still mum was singing. It turned out they were doing the same set of songs every half hour.

We said hello, saw Alicia and met Ty and Ariya for the first time.

The girls quite enjoyed the show. We walked around the various displays and explained the competition. We stayed for the official opening and prize giving.


In the end everyone was a bit tired and we headed off home.

Seymour Flower Show
Seymour Anglican Church Parish Hall,
Anzac Ave., Seymour, Vic.

Quite amusingly at the end the people on the front door twice confused me with my brother and were adamant that I should fix grandpas old truck.

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