The death sentence for Markdale

Like many remote small communities, Markdale was a little town. It had it’s own school. But not its own post office. There was always a small chance that it might grow big enough to be a town. But the routing of the line of road around it ended any chance of it becoming a town. It gradually dwindled and these days it is just another farm.


(From a correspondent.)

AT a public and numerously-attended meeting, held

in the school-house here on the 11th instant, it was

unanimously carried that government he petitioned

to alter the line of road from Binda to Bigga; and a

committee, consisting of Messrs. H. Carr, Funny

Hill, J. Clements, Sylvia Creek, and W. Marks,

Markdale, formed for the putting forward of the


On the motion of Mr. J. Read, seconded by Mr.

E. Quince, Mr. Newman took the chair, and briefly

stated the object for which they had assembled.

A few discussions on the subject took place, in

which Messrs. Read, J. Marks, W. Marks, E. Quince,

T. Mc Donald, S. Webster, J. Quince, and others

took part.

The following petition was then submitted to the

meeting by Mr. Newman, and adopted:

To the Honorable the Minister for Lands and Works.

At a public meeting held at Markdale on the 11th instant,

it was proposed, seconded, and carried. nem. con., that a peti-

tion be forwarded to it you, prying that you alter the line of

road from Binda to Bigga and that the old line be made the

government line, for the following reasons, viz. :-

1st By continuing the new line you Inconvenience a host of

bona fide settlers for the convenience of a solitary individual,

that is by running the mail that way, and thus leaving your

petitioners twelve miles from a post-office.

2nd. Your petitions selected and settled here believing that

this being the oldest and only road at the time would be the

government road ; but now, to their dismay, they find that

their land is almost valueless, unless they keep several miles of

road in repair themselves, or else not be able to get to a


3rd. There are no settlers on the new line, and from the na-

ture of the soil not likely to be any.

hoping &c., we beg to be, &c.

(Here follow a number of signatures.)

Before concluding this letter, Mr. Editor, I would

wish to explain matters to you a little. We are liv-

ing here, fifteen miles from one post-office and twelve

from another. Until a short time ago the mailman

used to come and go this way, and oblige the resi-

dents by bringing and taking letters for them. A few

people take a freak in their head that they can save

two miles if they can get the line altered a little, and

they get a solitary individual in twelve miles to sign

with them because (of course he would not refuse)

he is about applying for a license; and leave fifty or

sixty settlers, within a few miles of each other, with

out post or market road. It is monstrous if the gov-

ernment put aside an old-established road and isolate

such a number of people, without, at least, hearing

the merits and demerits of both lines argued pro and


I would have sent you a long history of floods

and losses, but it got stale before an opportunity pre-

sented itself.

May 12th.

(Looking at the modern map, I guess the road followed the new line…)

MARKDALE. (1870, May 21). The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 – 1881), p. 3. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from