With great excitement, and for the second time, I went in to pick up the GT3. I was a bit worried the workshop may be closed. I spoke with the woman at the counter and she arranged to go down to get the trike. They brought it up from the workshop, two floors down in the basement and, well, what can I say? After the initial excitement, I sat in it for the first time, I realized that there was no pannier rack. A quick check, no hub gears and then no front mud guards. The bike was there, but none of the extras were. In the interim I had picked out a pump, got a spare 16” x 1½” tube and a bottle holder. I have been looking at the locks and expect to buy one with a long cable as there is a great distance between the front of the bike and the back.
Colour wise, I was a bit shocked. When I had briefly seen it on Friday down in the basement, it looked much browner. But up here in the full light it was clearly red. Red is the colour I ordered so this is good.
A man was speaking to me in the accessories section, another shopper. He was looking for a bike with a rear internal hub system, but was not so happy with the one he had in the shop after a short test ride. He thought the hub breaks were a bit anemic. He also had a sit on the trike.
I had to wait for the Manager to come. They spent some time trying to find the order but could not. The man who I had bought the trike off was on holidays so they could not ask him where the order is. So they filled out a new order and I left the trike there. Having seen the trike in real life I did take the opportunity to order a left mirror and mirror post. Here is a list of the extras:
- Front Mud Guards
- Pannier Rack
- Sram dual drive hub
- Front left mirror and mirror post
An interesting thing happened in the half an hour or more that I had to wait for the Manager. Three families came into the shop. All with children under ten. The first two boys immediately sat on the bike and were explaining to their mother the working of toe clips. Another came into a shop and loudly announced to his mother and sister that this was the bike for him. I am now worried that if I leave it parked by a foot path, or worse in a park, every child around will want to come and play on it.
2009-05-01: Update I cheeked with the shop today. The parts have not arrived. So I will have to wait another week. I have decided that I only want to pick it up on the weekend as I do not look forward to riding it for the first time in peak hour Sydney traffic. There is very little traffic and few people on the weekend in the morning.