An altercation

While riding back from Centennial Park, we were accosted by a older man and his wife. I think that they were unhappy about us riding two wide past Redfern Station. He (quite illegally) double parked his car outside of the Eveleigh Markets and proceeded to explain that he believed that it was illegal to wide two wide on the road. He was quite unwilling to believe that he could be wrong. He said that if we continued to ride like this he would call the police and have us all arrested. His wife was totally in agreement with this sentiment.

In the RTA Bicycle Hand book it says:

Special rules for bicycle riders

  • You may perform hook turns at intersections unless prohibited by sign posting.
  • You do not need to give a left or stop signal, or signal when making a hook turn.
  • You may ride two abreast but not more than 1.5 metres apart.


  1. Ha… It’s amazing how many people believe they know every single law when it comes to bikes.
    You should have rung the police for him and asked them to come on down.
    .-= monkeypushovertree´s last blog ..pain =-.

  2. I agree with Monkey… in theory… Chances are though, it’s possible the Police would also be sketchy about the law and who are they going to believe? A bunch of trouble making cyclists or two senior citizens?
    .-= David´s last blog ..Riding in the rain =-.

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