- @n day1 72.35 km 16.56 km/h 4:22:14 time 54 km/h max #cq2010 #
- @n day 2: rocky to mt Morgan, rain, 58.7 km max grade 17%, 15.29 km/h ave, 3:47:53 time, 44kmh max, #
- made it up the razor back, 300 meters at 17% and the leadup #
- @asphotos bike tour, cycle Queensland in reply to asphotos #
- @n is sitting on the callide st cycleway #cycleqld2010 #floods #
- @n fsb: funny shaped bikes #cycleqld2010 #
- @n 0.32 km, 2.68 km/h ave, 0:7:27 move, 9 km/h max, #cycleqld2010 #roadsclosed #
- set the tent up on a stone, luckily it was small and easily removed #
- @n biloela to monto: 100.24 km, 13.98 km/h ave, 7:10:11 ride time, 60 km/h max #cycleqld2010 #
- is on a rest day, catching up with the outside world, no free wifi in rural Queensland :-/ #
- @n 68.73 km, 16.82 km/h ave, 4:05:10 time, 66 km/h max #
- @yewenyi that was monto to eidsvold in reply to yewenyi #
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