Monto to Eidsvold Via Abercorn and Ceratodus

The tent wet from the fog in the morning. I had breakfast and packed up. Headed out from Monto. I found I was missing the hood from the lens. Rode poorly for a while, but started to find my rhythm as I went along. This normally happens. It takes quite a while for me to get into my riding rhythm. Maybe three or more kilometres.

I had breakfast at the bunyip waterhole. There were very many people here. I was one of the few who rode down to the water hole, which is actually a dam. I met up the others but rode on my own.

I rode better to lunch and was going at a higher some speed. I hit a new speed record for the trike of 66kmh, improving the old record of 64 kmh set on the gore hill freeway. Lunch at Abercorn was ok. Hugh took one child for a ride on the long bike recumbent tandem, which to the kids left my trike for dead. The others noticed and he ended up giving the whole school a ride. Luckily for him there were only less than 10 kids at the school. I think he should charge long bike for advertising and sell the school a couple of long bike tandems.

Rode ok to afternoon tea in Ceratodus. Grabbed some food. Chatted to various people. Luke showed me the method for starting his recumbent, with it’s folding handle-bar. I was worse for wear in the afternoon. Too hot. The rash on legs was getting worse.

Arrived at camp site. Picked up bags. Camped way out the back. Had more food and a shower. The racist man from Tasmania was making more stupid remarks about Asians and an inability to queue. Clearly he has never caught a bus in Sydney. I used more cream on the legs. Maybe I need something stronger.

An old man, a local in Eidsvold, says that once there were 11 pubs. When he was young there were three and he had been in them as a minor. Now there is just one boring pub that he does not like. He also said we do not need to worry about flooding as the camp site is on 12 feet of sand. I was camped right down the back beyond all of the people. The T-Bug peoples were camped so close to the luggage truck that I suggested it would save packing up if they were camped in the luggage truck.

Spent the afternoon sitting around chatting with this Dutch man about his two years doing voluntary work in El-Salvador. I was meant to be at the Queensland bug meeting, but I forgot that it was on.

At dinner I was looking for a table of people I knew. Jasmine came up and invited me to her table, so I had dinner with Adrian and jasmine and friends. Listened to a few songs by a girl who was a good musician. Our group is three times the population of the town. This was her biggest ever crowd. But I was exhausted, so I went to sleep.

  • 68.73 km,
  • 16.82 km/h ave,
  • 4:05:10 time,
  • 66 km/h max

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